Human and Animal Rights

Ga Maleven

“As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.”

― Pythagoras

We have known for centuries that human rights and animal rights are connected. Every serial killer, school shooter, etc. started off harming animals before moving onto human victims. In fact, studies have shown that 95% of those who abuse and even kill humans all started off with non-human animals as their victims.

But why aren’t animal abusers being stopped in order to save humans and animals? Because, animal abuse sells. Animal agriculture makes billions abusing, raping, and killing animals for meat, dairy, and eggs. Rodeos, horse/dog racing, zoos, circuses, etc. also all make millions from animal cruelty.

In order to keep the money flowing they must continue to brainwash the public into believing certain lies, such that eating animals is “healthy” for humans, or zoos are “educational,” or that these industries create “more jobs,” etc.

This makes it seem like there is no abuse and actually benefits humans. But the reality is, these industries create not just animal cruelty, but human abuse too. And they stem from the same lies.

Factory Farm Workers

People who work on factory farms work in dangerous and unhealthy situations. The air in factory farms is toxic, filled with ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and excessive particles. Most factory farm workers develop respiratory illness, about 70% of those who work on pig farms have breathing issues.

Even children who grow near factory farms are more likely to have asthma.

To add on to breathing issues, factory farms are engulfed in diseases. Factory farms are breeding grounds for deadly diseases and have been the sole cause of every pandemic for the last 120 years. Many of these superbugs infect factory farm and slaughterhouse workers long before they infect those outside of these places. And the deadly diseases are allowed to keep growing and staying in this population, such as COVID-19 has been doing, especially since the diseases can stay alive on dead flesh for weeks. The spread of deadly diseases into factory farm workers first has been around since the creation of these super farms. Even some rare diseases will infect these workers before the animals are all burned and buried alive to “stop” the spread. And there are so many of these superbugs and diseases in these animals it’s a constant “purging” and treating sick workers.

Factory farm workers have reported being forced to wear diapers due to working for 14 hours without breaks. Often, they must urinate where they stand.

They are covered in feces, urine, and blood from the animals they are being forced to kill, and the filthy conditions the animals live in does not allow even humans to avoid being up to their knees in excrement.

While many countries have actual human slaves, in the USA and other first world countries they use immigrants. These people, speaking a different language, often lacking a proper education, are swept up by animal agriculture and forced to work jobs they don’t want to work. They don’t want to be killing these animals, but aren’t given a choice. They suffer serious injuries such as amputations from the speed and dangerous conditions. No one monitors animal agriculture, and the industry wants to keep it this way, trying to force “ag-gag” laws that will keep anyone who records or reports what happens to the animals or humans.

Factory farm workers also have the highest rates of PTSD and depression, as well as suicide.

Feeding Factory Farms With Child Starvation and


In order to feed humans an animal flesh and breast milk rich diet, even on “locally raised” farms, uses up a LOT of resources. As discussed in more detail in my journal about human starvation, it takes about 80% of all farmland on Earth to feed livestock. About 1/3 of all land on the planet is dedicated to just animal agriculture. This produces LESS food for humans in order to feed so many animals to feed the smaller number of humans eating meat, dairy, and eggs.

87% of all starving children come from countries where their food is taken to feed livestock in first world countries. Most of these children are children of color, particularly black children in Africa. While the governments of many of these places are the blame for their people starving, the reason is because they are profiting feeding the livestock of other countries by taking the food away from their own people.

In the Amazon, North America, Australia, and other countries indigenous people have their lands taken away in order to become grazing land for cattle, or to grow food for livestock. 90% of the Amazon rain forest is now used to grow soybeans for cattle or for cattle farmers to herd them. Many native people had to flee their homes or were even killed.

The racism is not just with forcing people of color to work on factory farms, and destroying the homes of indigenous people, but also where the factory farms themselves are located.

Slaughterhouses and factory farms are built in low income, often black and Hispanic communities. These communities are poisoned by the factory farms and slaughterhouses, having higher rates of asthma, sinus infections, diseases, even death in children.


Animal agriculture and other industries that exploit animals also depend on sexism. Dairy and eggs are products that come solely from females. Dairy is the milk female mammals produce to feed their newborn babies and only can lactate from being pregnant. And eggs are the bird equivalent of a menstrual cycle, only happening in females.

The dairy industry must forcibly impregnate cows to keep them constantly lactating. This is just a fancy way of saying they are raped. In fact, animals raised just for their flesh, leather, fur, wool etc. also are artificially impregnated (raped) to keep them reproducing. Even dogs, cats, and other animals not considered “food” in some countries are victims of being raped. I explain this in more detail in this journal.

The female body is exploited for constantly breeding animals and taking the things only females secrete, but there’s also the sexism directed to human females.

As mentioned at the beginning, domestic violence is strongly connected to abusing animals. Abusers will target the pets of their victims to keep control of them, often resulting in a victim staying with their abuser for fear of what may happen to their furbaby. Harming animals to hurt a child or woman is one of the most common forms of domestic violence (I am a victim of this myself. My three eldest daughters were also abused by my abusers and they targeted them, even almost killed them a few times to control me), and pets sometimes are killed by an abuser should the woman or child not behave to the abuser’s liking.

We also see sexism used by animal agriculture to advertise. How many ads for meat, dairy, etc. exist showcasing a woman being sexualized? Advertisements with women being marked as “pieces of meat” to make rotten flesh seem “manly” and “sexy” as well as the enforcement of vore. Vore i s a fetish where a person fantasizes about being eaten. Usually, women are depicted being slaughtered in slaughterhouses, gutted, cut up, and eaten just as non-human animals are. Women are subjected to being worth nothing just as these innocent animals have been turned into objects worth nothing.

While there are many vore lovers who don’t see slaughter and these forms of cruelty as “sexual,” it is still prevalent on many websites, ads, etc. depicting women as nothing more than how pigs, cows, etc. are viewed by animal agriculture.

The belief that the female body is something to exploit and profit off of, whether through abortion, dairy, premarin, etc. is sexism. It does not treat females as equals to males, but rather commodities and objects to use, abuse, and throw away when no longer profitable.

A wonderful read that dives into the psychological aspect of this subject and explains in graphic detail is “The Sexual Politics of Meat” by Carol J. Adams is the perfect read.


Animal and human slavery has many similarities. While factory farms and slaughterhouses do use real human slaves in various countries, even forced child labor in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc. there’s also similarities between slavery in the past and non-human animal slavery.

Human slaves from Africa who were captured and tightly packed onto ships to be sold in the USA and England are identical to modern day live export ships. Thousands of animals loaded into filthy conditions, packed tightly together with little food, water, and nowhere to urinate and defecate except for where they stand is common. These animals are shipped from one country to be slaughtered in another with the belief it is “healthier” than shipping the flesh. But many of these ships have overturn and sunk drowning all the terrified animals, many babies, many even pregnant, onboard.

Animals are viewed as “property” and “dumb” just as human slaves were viewed and treated as. Human slavery was protected by Fundamentalists claiming the Bible allowed them to have slaves, and today they claim the Bible also defends them enslaving and killing animals despite it not saying that at all.

Animals are chained, locked away, beaten, whipped, forced to breed, and given no dignity during their life nor death. Identical to the cruelties human slaves suffered through for centuries.

Many cruelties done to slaves in the past, and even today in modern slavery, are done to animals legally. Caging and chaining is legal to do to animals, even dogs in the USA, and was normal to do to human slaves. Slaves would be chained to trees or in the hot sun for hours or days without food or water. Today, you can do the same with a dog or bovine.

Slaves would be whipped and beaten for even the smallest of offenses, and you can do the same to children, horses, etc. Horseracing you see horses being beaten before cheering crowds! And for animal agriculture beating the animals is perfectly routine.

Slaves were dissected, drowned, forced to fight, raped, overworked, worked until they collapsed, left to die of diseases or injuries, shot, eat from the same troughs as pigs, had to pull heavy wagons, etc. And should they be too injured to work they were killed.

Animals are dissected, animals are shot for breaking their legs in horse racing, animals are raped to keep them breeding, animals are left to die from diseases and injuries in animal agriculture, animals are forced to fight, animals are worked to death, etc.

When talking about slavery references to how we treat animals is used because the same things are happening to both. “They were sold like livestock,” “they were beaten like a dog,” “they lived in the barn with the horses,” “they were worked like cattle,” etc.

Even the slave owners said things that carnists still say today to defend their cruelty, such as saying the slaves were “happy.” Animal agriculture also claims their slaves are “happy.” They both make the same claims that welfare is better, and that their slaves don’t need rights because they don’t deserve them. That the economy would be messed up should the slaves get their rights. That they don’t feel pain like the rest of us do. That they are “lesser” and God “gave us dominion over them.”

It is not “demeaning” to compare the two, as they are all victims suffering the same cruelties. Rape is rape regardless of the species or sex. Beating is beating regardless of the species or sex. Slavery is slavery regardless of the species or sex.

Human slavery was hard to end because many slave owners claimed their lives depended on slavery to make a profit. And many other people needed the slave trade to continue for their jobs as well. From those who captured the indigenous people to be used as slaves, to the slave traders, those who beat the slaves into submission on plantations, and everyone else involved in the slave trade, it gave jobs to thousands and made a lot of money. Animal agriculture, zoos, circuses, horseracing, etc. today also give jobs and creates millions of dollars, even billions, but just like human slavery it’s money made from cruelty being done to others. And just like human slavery these people can get different jobs and let a cruel industry die.

Unlike with human slavery, today we have new jobs and sources waiting for these people to turn to. Plant-based food industries to replace animal products, and other jobs to replace zoos, horseracing, circuses, rodeos, etc. Many animal rights organizations even provide resources and training opportunities for workers and farmers to make a switch and get better jobs.

Today, the south still struggles economically from human slavery suddenly ending because they didn’t have a backup plan for all those who worked the slave trade. But that’s not the case today.

If you wanted to know where you would have stood on slavery had you live at the time, just look at where you stand on animal rights.


There have been many holocausts throughout history, the worse is the current animal holocaust with more lives being taken away every few days than all human life taken away in every single documented war throughout history.

The Jewish Holocaust during World War II is known as THEE Holocaust as it is the worst human holocaust. But what few realize is the similarities between it and the animal holocaust. And this similarity is because Hitler literally was inspired by pig farms.

Jews, LGBT, and sympathizers would be rounded up and forced onto trains to the various death camps. Here, they would have their identity taken away by removal of their personal items (jewelry, nice clothes, toys, makeup, etc.) and be branded with a number. They had to live in cramp conditions, often in their own feces with no medical care. Gas chambers, the same still used today to kill pigs and even dogs and cats at shelters, were the primary method to mass slaughter these innocent people. But mass shootings with the bodies thrown in large graves also occured, which is common with sick animals on farms. Dairy farms also kill calves this way so that the milk produced by their mothers can go to humans instead.

Vivisecting was another cruelty inflicted upon Jewish prisoners, similar to vivisecting still done to animals today.

These people were viewed as “objects” and “worthless” and needing to be “culled” just as animals are still being treated today. There are so many similarities that most survivors turned away from animal products and many became vegan activists. There are many books, interviews, etc. from these people explaining how their suffering is identical to what happens to animals for food, vivisecting, etc. so you can hear it from their own mouths that comparing the two is not “demeaning” the Jewish Holocaust. Instead, it shows just how but these two evil things are and the need to end all holocausts once and for all.

Most importantly, every one of these holocausts was legal, just as animal agriculture is also legal. Legality does not mean if something is wrong or right. It was legal to kill Jews, LGBT, and many others in Nazi Germany, it was legal to kill Native Americans and remove them from their homes for hundreds of years in North America, it has been legal for colonizers to murder millions of natives and enslave them for centuries. And this legality of murder, rape, and enslavement continues for the animals even today.


Animal agriculture cares not for humans in not only how it starves children, enslaves people, and puts workers at risk, but also the abuse towards people’s health.

Animal agriculture has spent billions to pay schools, false studies, and ads to spread the myth that humans are “omnivores” and consuming animal products is “healthy” and “necessary.”

We know from thousands of studies that not only are humans frugivores, but also the many illnesses animal products cause us. The number 1 killer of the human species is cardiovascular disease, which is ONLY caused by the saturated fat found in animal products. 60% of all cancer in humans is caused by consuming animal products, and 70% of diseases are caused solely or primarily by eating animal products, from Crohn’s disease to diabetes.

Animal agriculture is also the cause of pandemics, causing every pandemic in the last 120 years, and most before.

It simply is not healthy for us, and consuming it is literally a death sentence for us. Sure, it may take time for the poison to build before you feel it enough to know it’s effecting you, but cancer is not a fun way to go. And purposefully killing yourself at a younger age than you would have died at had you lived healthy is not a model you should live by.

Animal agriculture is literally killing us all for profit, and greedily lying about it.

But let’s also look at the history of how meat and dairy even came into the diet of so many.

Most cultures throughout the world never ate animal products until the colonization and trade of white settlers from Europe. Many cultures still today eat the same diets they have for thousands of years, none containing animal products. The cultures that have been heavily influenced by white man don’t keep to their traditional diets. In the late 1800’s the Japanese leaders ordered their people to eat animals to be more like the white man so they could better improve relationships with them. There are many journals from this time revealing the anger the Japanese felt being told to eat their animals, something none of them had ever done, nor their ancestors.

70% of the human population identify as being lactose intolerant, most of them are people of color. And yet animal agriculture, run by white people, claims they must consume dairy for “health” and teach it to them in the food pyramid, force it in school lunches, put it in everything, and mock them should they say they won’t eat anything with these products in it.

The history of food is very clear from all the indigenous people still eating plant-based and only those effect by white man eating as white man does. Furthermore, we have centuries worth of writing describing what people have eaten. Meat and dairy has always been the food of the rish due to how many resources it takes to keep livestock, while the poor always have been plant-based. Gladiators were not allowed to eat animal products because you didn’t give your slaves the food of rich people. Ninjas and Samurai also were plant-based.

This narrative that all humans have always ate meat simply is not true. Not even the amount of meat eaten is the same as it was even 100 years ago. The amount of chicken the average carnist consumes in a day now, is about how much a person would have eaten in an entire year in the early 1900’s.

It’s not natural, not healthy, and has literally been brainwashed and forced onto us. Vegans don’t force anything on you. We are reminding you the true human diet and that the carnism you live by now is what was literally forced down your throat since the day you were born. First being told you eat animals, and starting the brainwashing from then on that will branch out into other cruelties.


Abortion and carnism have many similarities.

Unborn animals are often killed in the meat and dairy industries. Pregnant cows and sows are sent to slaughter, their young ripped out from their bodies and either thrown away or used to make a profit. Unborn pigs often are dissected in schools, which is unnecessary since we have realistic models that can teach. Several countries have banned dissecting since it is so unnecessary for young students. And unborn calves are often torn apart for their stomach acids and other parts used to help product cheese or for cosmetics. Even unborn sheep are killed for special wool.

Abortion is unnecessary, it harms women, and simply exploits desperate women rather than helps them. Abortion serves no one, and rather than it be promoted we must promote birth control, sterilization, tube tying, vasectomies, etc. 99% of all abortions came from consensual sex. If they had used birth control almost none of those pregnancies would of occurred. And the act of killing a baby who has all their organs by 7 weeks is simply wrong. Why end a life for being unwanted by the birth mother, or not even giving them a chance?

But why would vegans need to care about abortion? Because the same arguments made to defend it are also used to defend carnism.

Abortionists claim that it’s their “personal choice” to kill an unborn baby. This is the same argument carnists attempt to make. But, once another life is involved it’s no longer a “personal” choice.

Abortionists claim that the unborn “don’t feel pain” or are “different” from the already born. Carnists claim that non-human animals “don’t feel pain” and that they are “not like us.”

Abortionists claim that the unborn are “just a clump of cells.” Carnists claim “they’re just animals.”

Abortionists claim “it’s my body, my choice” when killing another life. Carnists claim “it’s my body, my choice” when killing another life for meat, dairy, eggs, fur, leather, vivisecting, etc.

Abortionists claim it’s “population control.” Carnists claim that killing animals is also “population control,” despite them causing those lives to be conceived and birthed in the first place.

Abortionists say it’s legal and therefore okay. Carnists also claim that because slaughtering animals horrifically is legal it’s therefore okay to continue.

Abortionists say it’s their “opinion.” Carnists also claim the “opinion argument,” also grossly misusing the term.

Abortionists and carnists both cause babies to die, mothers to be exploited, and claim what they are doing as “beneficial.” When in reality it exploits the female reproductive system, harms females, kills babies, and does not need to be done when alternatives exist that are cruelty-free.

Activists Murdered and Attacked

Those who stand up against evil are attacked by the evil-doers. It’s the script for every movie, comic, and book out there. But what few realize is real life heroes fighting against evil, activists, are victims of these cruel industries.

During human slavery in America, the Abolitionists fought to end slavery. They used the same tactics vegan activists use today, such as protests, leafleting, getting laws to change, writing to politicians, and most importantly: educating the public on the harsh reality of slavery.

While they may not have had videos to show to people on the street or in Facebook newsfeeds, they did have pictures, written stories of former slaves, and accounts from witnesses. And they did not hold back on the graphic details.

One Abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, wrote regarding slavery:

“His cruelty and meanness were especially displayed in his treatment of my unfortunate cousin Henny, whose lameness made her a burden to him. I have seen him tie up this lame and maimed woman and whip her in a manner most brutal and shocking; and then with blood-chilling blasphemy he would quote the passage of scripture, ‘That servant which knew his lord’s will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.’ He would keep this lacerated woman tied up by her wrists to a bolt in the joist, three, four, and five hours at a time. He would tie her up early in the morning, whip her with a cowskin before breakfast, leave her tied up, go to his store, and returning to dinner repeat the castigation, laying on the rugged lash on flesh already raw by repeated blows. He seemed desirous to get the poor girl out of existence, or at any rate off his hands. …Finally, upon a pretense that he could do nothing for her (I use his own words), he ‘set her adrift to take care of herself’ …turning loose the only cripple among [his slaves] virtually to starve and die.”

Explaining in graphic detail here is no different than a vegan activist explaining in detail what happens to animals in animal agriculture or other cruel industries.

Abolitionists were attacked and even killed by slave owners, and today many vegan activists have been attacked and even killed defending animals and educating. I myself am a victim of being attacked and even stalked with my life threatened, all because I’m educating about animal cruelty. Even those who simply speak up against how animal agriculture harms the planet have been killed.

Most recently, the public murder of vegan activists Regan Russell in June 2020. But despite her murder being caught on camera and well documented, animal agriculture, like the human slave industry, is powerful and keeps out of being legally held accountable.

After Regan Russell’s death, many carnists and those working for animal agriculture mocked her death and made awful suicide jokes, claiming she killed herself for being vegan. This is no different than what abolitionists faced with their deaths being mocked and no one bringing them justice.

Activists do not become activists for money or an “agenda.” We become activists because we know somethings must be stopped to help others. And it costs us money, time, safety, mental health, and even death.

When a vegan shows you the footage or images of something you are paying for in order to educate you, don’t tell them that they “need to change their methods” or they are “traumatizing” someone. They are doing the same tactics that freed human slaves and stopped many other evils throughout the world. Laws to end various torture, executions, abuse, etc. didn’t come into play because no one saw the torture, learned about the abuse, or remained ignorant to the facts. They became illegal and stopped because enough people saw the truth, learned the facts, and spoke up against it.

The activists exposing these evils are treated like enemies by the abusers because they don’t want their secrets exposed. They demand ag-gag laws, they kill, they mock, they encourage violence against the activists, and spread lies. Many lies regarding vegans and animal rights organizations were created by animal agriculture and other animal cruelty industries. The myth that PETA kills animals originates from meat lobbyists. The lies that vegans are “weak” and “unhealthy” or are “angry” etc. also originate from those in animal agriculture. And abolitionists, women rights activists, etc. throughout history also have had lies made up against them by those who didn’t like what they were doing.

Specieism and the Root of Evil

Specieism is the belief that some lives matter more than others solely based on how that being looks. Racism, but for species. And this is the first form of hatred we are taught.

We are not taught to be racist, sexist, or homophobic first. No. We first are told to eat animals. Animals “gave their lives” to be eaten. That cows are to be killed for “food” but dogs are friends. Or, if you live in certain cultures, dogs are “food” while cows are needed to pull heavy loads so don’t kill them.

From this stems racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, etc. Once a child who is born not knowing hatred is taught that it’s ok to love some but harm others, they put that into practice with other things, namely their own species. If a cat is to be loved but a pig raped and killed, then why not respect men but rape and harm women? Why not hurt someone for being gay?

The root of evil is specieism, and the branches of this tree of hate is racism, sexism, etc. Until we attack the roots we will never be able to keep the branches from growing.

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.”

– Paul Farmer

“Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.”

– Bradley Miller

Factory Farm Worker Links

Cambodian Girl Video:

Shrimp Worker Article:

Shrimp Slaves in 2016:

Whole Foods Denies Slave Shrimp Allegations:

65-70% of Amazon Destruction from Animal Ag:

Tribal Leaders on Deforestation:

Al Jazeera – Amazon cleared by slaves (2015):

Transcript of Miami Herald Article with Cargill Quote:

Human Right’s Watch “Systemic Human Rights Violations”:

Smithfield Fined for Poisoning Drinking Water:

Slaughterhouse Worker Kills 17 Humans:

Tysons Exploits Humans Just as They Do Animals:

Tyson Betting on Workers Getting Covid:

Factory Farms and Deadly Diseases:

Viruses in Meat Effecting Humans: https://nu

30% of Factory Farm Workers have Respiratory Illness:

Children Near Factory Farms Increased Asthma:

Death in Manure Lagoons CDC:

Slaughterhouses are Ultra hazardous:

Slaughterhouses Increase Crime:

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Babies Study:

PAH: Living Near Restaurants Grilling Meat Study:

“Livestock Confinement Dusts and Gases.” Iowa State University Extension. 1992. (8/23/17)

“Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations (CAFOs) Chemicals Associated with Air Emissions.” Prepared by the CAFO subcommittee of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Toxics Steering Group (TSG). 2006. (5/27/10)

“Temporary Farm Labor: The H-2A Program and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Proposed Changes in the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR).” Congressional Research Service. 2008.

Mikesell, Robert. “The Swine Industry in the United States.” Swine Production Guidelines. Pennsylvania State University Extension. 2009.

“Safety and Health Topics: Ammonia.” U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) – Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). 2003. 

McLeod W., Doss H.J., Person H.L. “Beware of Manure Pit Hazards.” Michigan State University Extension. Adapted from Baker J., Curtis S., Hogsett, O., et al; “Safety in swine production systems, Pork Industry Handbook.” Publication PIH-104, Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1986. Accessed from the National Ag Safety Database. 

“Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) CAS 7783-0604; UN 1053.” Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) – Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 

Arrieta, R.M. “California Dairy Workers Face Danger and Abuse.” Dollars & Sense. 

Katz, Jesse. “New Migrant Trails Take Latinos to Remote Towns.” Los Angeles Times. 1996. 

Safran-Foer, Jonathan. “The Truth About Factory Farming.” Government Accountability Project. 2010

Confessions of a Slaughterhouse Worker:

Slaughterhouse workers: Coronavirus- 1)

Coronavirus- 2)

Occupational Injuries-

Tyson’s 1 Amputation/Month-

Yale Global Health Review-


Increased Crime Rate-

Workers are victims from low income neighborhoods and undocumented-

Slaughterhouse Cesspools-

Lagoons Sprayed Onto Fields

Life Near A Slaughterhouse

Environmental Racism and Cory Booker-

More about Environmental Racism-

Fish Trafficking: Human Rights Watch Report- h

Trafficking on American Vessel-

Trafficking on British Vessel- htt

Feeding Factory Farms Links (Full Article Here)



COWSPIRACY: Infographic:

Human Starvation:

The Battle to Feed Factory Farms:–the-battle-to-feed-factory-farms.html

World Hunger: World Health Organization Stats

Over 3 million children/year die of hunger-,disease%20%28UNICEF%2C%202018a

More than 1/3 harvests fed to livestock-

How much more food we would have if we didn’t give it to livestock-

Ethiopian Famine 1984 food given to livestock-

North Korea 1997 Severe Shortage food sold to Japan- Book “The Meat Business: Devouring a Hungry Planet” By Geoff Tansey Page 171 Water and Clean Air: Water Footprint of Animal Ag

Meat Based Diet Uses Twice as Much Water-,to%20a%20plant%2Dbased%20diet

Meat Consumption and the Destruction of Our Planet:

Meat Demand and Deforestation:

Meat Production and Water Shortage:

Stanford – The Leading Cause of Everything:

Do You want to become Extinct:

How the Great Phosphorus Shortage Could Leave Us All Hungry:

Why Beans, Peas, and Lentils Are the Eco-Friendly Options for Feeding the World:

Eating Vegan Will Save  8.1 Million Lives By 2050:

Factory Farming and Human Starvation:

Factory Farms and Human Hunger:

The Impacts of Animal Agriculture on Climate Change and Human

Brazil Seizes Livestock to Protect Rainforest:

New Global Study Reveals Staggering Loss of Forests by Animal Agriculture:

Most New Farmland Comes From Cutting Down Forests:

How Beef Demand is Causing Amazon Deforestation:

Amazon Soya and Beef Exports Linked to Deforestation:

Cattle Driven Deforestation:

Mapping Where Cattle Farming Competes with Carbon Dioxide Removal:

Film Shines Light on Amazon Deforestation for Meat:

Why Not Eating Meat Matters to Save the Amazon:

Meat Giant Linked to Amazon Destruction:

Meat is Unsustainable:

How Does Agriculture Cause Deforestation:

Deforestation Facts and Causes:

Deforestation, Human Rights, Climate Change, Extinction and the One Industry That Links Them All:

Loss of Wildlife and Deforestation Can Increase Human Diseases:

This is How Animal Agriculture Causes Deforestation:

Factory Farming Using up Resources:

Animal Agriculture and World Hunger: ht

Could Veganism End World Hunger?:

The More Meat We Eat the Fewer We Can Feed:

Global Hunger:–human-starvation

Cutting Back on Meat Could End World Hunger by 2030:

World Hunger:

Can We Solve World Hunger and Feel 9 Billion People By Eating Less Meat:

Veganism is An Elegant Solution to a Host of Global Problems:

Humans And Livestock are Leading to Species Extinction in Developing Countries:

World Could Thrive Without Deforestation by Going Vegan:

Did you know that 90 percent of the soybeans grown worldwide, 50 percent of the grain, and 40 percent of the fish caught are fed to livestock?

Slavery Links

Animal and Human Slavery:

Racism and Specieism:

Vegans of Color:


Animal Slavery and Other Comparisons:

Comparing Animal and Human Slavery:

Human Slavery and Modern Animal Agriculture:

Animal Slavery:

Animal Slavery Abolition:

Livestock Animals as Slaves:

Animal Suffering Similar to Human Slaves:

Modern Slavery: Animal Slavery:


Human Slavery Over Time:

The Dreaded Comparison:

Holocaust Links

Pig Gas Chamber:

Holocaust Survivor Says He Lived to End Animal Oppression:

Is It Offensive to Compare the Holocaust to Meat Industry:

From the Warsaw Ghetto to the Fight for Animal Rights:

Holocaust Survivor Compares Concentration Camps to Animal agriculture:

If A Holocaust Survivor Can Admit There’s An Animal Holocaust, We Can Too:

Can The Treatment of Animals be Compared to the Holocaust:

What Should a Holocaust Survivor Do:–what-would-a-holocaust-survivor-do.html

Holocaust Survivors Speak Up:

Holocaust survivor likens treatment of farm animals to modern-day Shoah


Vegetarian Diets Best for Environment and Health:

The Impact of Historical Racial Bias on the Health Profiles of Communities of Color:

Parallels between the Civil Rights Movement and the Vegan Movement with Milton Mills, MD:

Why Black Americans are More Likely to be Vegan:

African American Vegan Starter Guide:

Black Vegetarians:

Civil Rights and Animal Rights are Connected:

Coretta Scott King and Veganism:

Civil Rights Leaders You Didn’t Know Were Veg:

Dick Gregory is Why I’m Vegan:

Racial bias in federal nutrition policy, Part I: The public health implications of variations in lactose persistence:

Doctors Call on Dietary Guidelines To Ditch Dairy To Fight Racial Health Disparities:

Food Justice:

Dairy + Racism:

Doctor Explains Why Pro-Dairy USDA Dietary Guidelines Are Racist:

Does Dietary Racism Exist In The United States?:

Milk: The New Symbol of Racism in Donald Trump’s America:

The Troubling Link Between Milk and Racism:

Why White Supremacists are Chugging Down Milk:

The Troubling History of racism and Dairy in America:

Dairy’s True Colors:

Dairy Guidelines are Racist:

How the Meat and Dairy Industries Perpetuate Systemic Racism:

Are US Dietary Guidelines Racist:

Racism in Food Industry:

See Journals on Meat, Dairy, and Eggs for more links on why animal products are just bad for humans and therefore animal agriculture doesn’t care for human health at all.

Abortion and Feminism

Animal Rights and Anti-Abortion Similarities:

Abortion is Not Vegan:

Slaughter of Pregnant Cows:

Birth and Motherhood in a Slaughterhouse:

Slaughter of Pregnant Cows in Denmark:

Pregnancy and Slaughter:

What Pig Farmers Do to Pregnant Pigs:

Piglets Aborted:

Pregnant Animals Suffering:

Pregnant Pigs Escapes Slaughter:

Farmers Use Swords to Slaughter Pregnant Pigs:

Slaughter of Pregnant Mares:

Pregnant Horses Rescued From Slaughter:

Horse Rescued From Slaughter Gives Birth:

Premarin Horses:


What Does Abortion Have to do With Animal Agriculture:

For More on Abortion See Journal on Abortion.

Meat and Sexism:

The Sexual Politics of Meat:

Why Meat Eating is a Feminist Issue:

Linked Oppression:

Anti-Vegetarism is Sexism in Disguise:

PBS Documentary Exposes Sexual Abuse of Factory Farm Workers:

Eating Meat is Sexist:

Why Cheese is Sexist:

Why Milk is a Feminists Issue:

If You’re a Feminist Quit Dairy:

Dairy Ads Are Sexist:

Milk is a Feminist Issue:

Readying the Rape Rack:

Women Equality and Veganism:

Specieism and Sexism:

How Dairy Pornifies Motherhood:

Let’s Talk About The Intersectionality Of Veganism And Feminism:

Women Are Linking Feminism to Veganism More Than Ever:

To Uphold My Feminism Values I Went Vegan:

Why Vegan Feminist:

The Truth About Being a Vegan and Feminist:

Why All Feminists Should Be Vegan:

Veganism is a Feminist Issue and Here’s Why:

Natalie Portman Says Veganism is a Feminist Issue:

Is Feminism and Veganism Linked:

Vegan Feminist History:

Vegan Feminist for Humans And Animals:

Should Feminists be Vegetarians:

Why Feminism Needs Veganism:

Natalie Portman Explains Veganism and Feminism:

Why Are Women More Likely to Go Vegan:

Why There Are More Vegan Women:

I’m Feminist and Therefore I’m Vegan:

Best Vegan Feminist Reads:

The Milkmaid’s Tale:

Beyond #Metoo:

The Rape Rack:

What’s a Rape Rack:

Is Your Food the Product of Rape:

Behind the Myth:

Forced Impregnation:

The Dairy Industry:

The Sexual Violations of Cows:

What is Artificial Insemination:

Organic Dairy Cows and Rape:

Proof Dairy is Rape:

Artificial Insemination:

The Mistreatment of Cows Includes Sexual Assault:

Meat Industries Bestiality Problem:

The Case for Seeing Animals as Rape Victims:

Humane Farming Myth:

Does Eating Meat Support Bestiality:

Sex With Animals:

Activists, Specieism, and Violence Towards Animals Turns to Humans Links

The Link Between Animal and Human Cruelty:

National Link Coalition:

Child and Animal Abuse:

First They Torture Animals Then They Turn to Humans:

Do Mass Killers Start Off by Harming Pets:

Can The FBI Stop Serial Killers Using This Test:

Harming Animals and Massacring Humans:

The Link is Established Between Animal Abusers and Serial Killers:

The Link Between Animal and Human Violence:

Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence:

Understanding the Link Between Animal and Human Cruelty:

About the Link:

Animal Cruelty Syndrome:

Animal Abuse and Youth Violence:

Criminology and Animal-Human Violence:

Animal Ag Attacking Those Who Speak Out:

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending , Juvenile Justice Bulletin (September 2001), at (last visited June 27, 2007).

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link , Progressive Animal Welfare Society, at

Understanding the Link® between violence to people and animals , American Humane Association, at

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

Animal Alternatives in Education: The Link Between Human Violence and Animal Cruelty , The National Anti-Vivisection Society, at

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

  Understanding the Link® between violence to people and animals , at

Animal Alternatives in Education: The Link Between Human Violence and Animal Cruelty, at .

Phyllis M. Daugherty, Animal abusers may be warming up for more

Modern History Sourcebook: John Locke (1632-1704), Some Thoughts Concerning Education , 1692 , at

Irwin Feldman, Where Violence Begins: Animal Industries and the Cult of Aggression , at

Understanding the Link between violence to people and animals , at .

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

  If Your Kid is Torturing Animals, We’ve All Got a Problem, The Desert Sun (April 2005), at

  The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

Mary Lou Randour, What We Know About the Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence , at

Holly Nash, DVM, MS, Animal Cruelty/Human Violence: The Link , at

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime , People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, at

Susan I. Finkelstein , Canary in a Coal Mine: The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence , Penn Veterinary Medicine, at

Animal Cruelty/Human Violence: The Link, at .

Robert Price, Cruelty to animals may lead to child abuse , KHAS-TV, at

Randour, What We Know About the Link , Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence , at. .  

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Daugherty, Animal abusers may be warming up for more , at .

Criminologists find link between animal cruelty, later violence, Associated Press (March 2, 2004), at

Daugherty, Animal abusers may be warming up for more , at .

Richard Weizel, Animal abuse predictor of domestic violence , Connecticut Post Online, at (originally at

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

Randour, What We Know About the Link , Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence , at. .  

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Weizel, Animal abuse predictor of domestic violence , at .

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

  Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Daugherty, Animal abusers may be warming up for more , at .

  Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

  Animal abuse predictor of domestic violence ,


Why You Should Join The War On Animal Cruelty , Coalition for Animal Justice, at

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Why You Should Join The War On Animal Cruelty , at .

Randour, What We Know About the Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence, at .

  Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

  Criminologists Find Link Between Animal Cruelty, Later Violence, at

Randour, What We Know About the Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence, at .

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Animal Cruelty/Human Violence: The Link, at .

Animal abuse predictor of domestic violence ,at .

Canary in a Coal Mine: The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence, at .

Understanding the Link® between violence to people and animals , at .

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at .

Animal Cruelty and Family Violence, at .

Robyn Watts, Esq ., Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse , ASPCA, at

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

Animal Cruelty and Family Violence: Making the Connection, at .

Animal Cruelty, Human Violence Linked in Humane Society Study , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, at

Animal Cruelty/Domestic Violence Fact Sheet , The Humane Society of the United States, at

Frank R. Ascione, Ph.D, et al, The Abuse of Animals and Domestic Violence:A National Survey of Shelters for Women Who Are Battered , Utah State University, at

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

Children and Animal Cruelty: What Parents Should Know, at .

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

at .

Animal Cruelty and Family Violence, at .

Animal Cruelty and Family Violence: Making the Connection, at .

The Animal Abuse-Human Violence Link, at .

Animal Cruelty/Human Violence: The Link, at .

Animal Cruelty and Family Violence: Making the Connection , The Humane Society of the United States, at .

Animal Abuse and Violent Offending, at .

Canary in a Coal Mine: The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence, at .

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime , People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, at

Weizel, Animal abuse predictor of domestic violence , at .  

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at

Canary in a Coal Mine: The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence, at .

Cruelty to animals may lead to child abuse, at .

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime, at

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