
Welcome to The Vegan Dragon!

***Please, note: The Vegan Dragon is still under construction! Many pages are not completed, and the aesthetics of the website is very much a work in progress! I am making this on my own so it a slow process!***

To Do List:

– Organize all links for sources and put in sources tab

– Activist Resources

– Vegan Literature Paper

– Vegan Shops and Companies Paper

– Vegan Animal Sanctuaries

– Transition Sources for Farmers

– Everything in “Meet Real Vegans” tab

– Food Tab

The Vegan Dragon is an education website that provides information on animal and human cruelties, and what can be done to stop them. The site features papers to learn more, a gallery, and sources library to find anything you need to learn more about an issue, or to educate others about it.

The Vegan Dragon was founded by, created, and is maintained by me, The Vegan Dragon (DLH). I am unable to share my true identity due to those who wish me harm for fighting for others. But despite the attempts on my life I will never stop speaking up for the voiceless.

I grew up in a cult, locked away in a house all my life, never allowed to leave nor to have friends. I was “home schooled,” and horrifically abused. I managed to finally escape when I was 18, taking with my my two cats and dog, my daughters, but due to the extreme abuse and neglect we suffered from our abusers, my daughters are now in heaven. I spent all I had to save them, but it wasn’t enough.

I promised my daughters, Star, Queen Genevieve, and Lady Margaret (Maggie), that I would not die until the world was vegan. Until no one suffered as we had or worse.

I escaped my parents when I decided to go vegan after learning the truth. I bypassed the internet blocker my father had installed on the computer and learned… Everything about the world. And I knew that my hatred of my parents and their cruelty was justified as it was nor “normal” nor “healthy.”

While I was mentally vegan far earlier, I escaped and could finally live vegan on May 20th, 2013. Ever since then I have dedicated myself to learning everything I can on science, health, animal cruelty, etc. And obtained multiple degrees.

I have been primarily working on my own with educating about veganism, from talking to people at the store, to online education. Only after I graduated college in 2020 I have had the ability to do weekly protests and outreach events. But I continue to educate on my own, online, and making vegan literature.

As a writer I have written numerous papers on veganism and animal cruelties, and continue to do so. These papers are my Educational Journals, as well as my blog posts. As an artist I create my own vegan artwork that can be found in the Gallery tab.

Please, use this website to help you become vegan or become a better vegan activists for the victims. Share it, and if you have any questions or would like to report something about the site (such as a bug, broken link, etc.) please contact me via my Twitter or Facebook pages.

Until all are free!

All artwork with/without my watermark is created and copyrighted to me, The Vegan Dragon (DLH).

Educational Journals – Papers written by me to give a brief synopsis of animal/human cruelties, or more detailed explanations in longer essays with all sources listed.

Gallery – Every picture I’ve collected from undercover investigations to vegan memes that can be shared and spread.

Sources Library – Thousands of links I’ve collected over the years on animal/human cruelties, studies, articles, undercover investigations, etc. that can be read to learn more and shared.

Ga Maleven