Abortion is NOT Vegan

Veganism is about not harming anyone, whether human or non-human animal. It’s about peace and compassion for all. Animal and human rights are connected. You cannot have one without the other. So, not harming unborn babies is also part of veganism.
Therefore, abortion is not vegan.
Let me explain in more detail:
Unborn animals are often killed in the meat and dairy industries. Pregnant cows and sows are sent to slaughter, their young ripped out from their bodies and either thrown away or used to make a profit. Unborn pigs often are dissected in schools, which is unnecessary since we have realistic models that can teach. Several countries have banned dissecting since it is so unnecessary for young students. And unborn calves are often torn apart for their stomach acids and other parts used to help product cheese or for cosmetics. Even unborn sheep are killed for special wool.That is not vegan to do this to these unborn lose to full term or not. So why do human babies differ? They don’t.
As this paper explains: https://thevegandragon.com/index.php/educational-journals/abortion-raising-children-and-sex/, abortion is unnecessary, it harms women, and simply exploits desperate women rather than helps them. Abortion serves no good and rather than it be promoted we must promote birth control, sterilization, tube tying, vasectomies, etc. 99% of all abortions came from consensual sex. If they had used birth control almost none of those pregnancies would have occurred. And the act of killing a baby who has all their organs by 7 weeks is simply wrong. Why end a life for being unwanted by the birth mother, or not even giving them a chance?
But why would vegans need to care about abortion? Because the same arguments made to defend it are also used to defend carnism.
Abortionists claim that it’s their “personal choice” to kill an unborn baby. This is the same argument carnists attempt to make. But, once another life is involved it’s no longer a “personal” choice.
Abortionists claim that the unborn “don’t feel pain” or are “different” from the already born. Carnists claim that non-human animals “don’t feel pain” and that they are “not like us.”
Abortionists claim that the unborn are “just a clump of cells.” Carnists claim “they’re just animals.”
Abortionists claim “it’s my body, my choice” when killing another life. Carnists claim “it’s my body, my choice” when killing another life for meat, dairy, eggs, fur, leather, vivisecting, etc.
Abortionists claim it’s “population control.” Carnists claim that killing animals is also “population control,” despite them causing those lives to be conceived and birthed in the first place.
Abortionists say it’s legal and therefore okay. Carnists also claim that because slaughtering animals horrifically is legal it’s therefore okay to continue.
Abortionists say it’s their “opinion.” Carnists also claim the “opinion argument,” grossly misusing the term.
Abortionists and carnists both cause babies to die, mothers to be exploited, and claim what they are doing as “beneficial.” When in reality it exploits the female reproductive system, harms females, kills babies, and does not need to be done when alternatives exist that are cruelty-free.
So long as any life is killed, is harmed, is exploited, all lives will be. You can’t have human rights without animal rights. You can’t have veganism so long as abortion exists. No one is truly prolife unless they protect all life. That includes animals and the unborn. Abortion goes against the foundations of veganism, which is all lives matter. So long as abortion exists animal slaughter will exist. So long as any life is viewed as lesser all lives will be viewed as lesser.
Abortion is a vegan issue. It’s an unnecessary, cruel act that must be stopped and cruelty-free alternatives replace it. Those alternatives are birth control, better sex education, and helping women in need rather than exploiting them for quick profit.
Quick Summary Why Abortion is Anti-Woman and Anti-Vegan:
Abortion is killing a child. No one has the right to murder. Abortion is an industry built on taking advantage of the female reproductive system, just as dairy is. It’s unnecessary and the abortion industry has lied to people to make them believe it’s “safe” and “necessary,” when it’s just as safe and necessary as dairy. It’s anti women’s rights. Abortion that is labeled as “safe” still can kill and injure women, as many have been. If course making something illegal will still have people doing it. It just will make LESS people do it. Less people murder adults because it’s illegal. Still happens but there’s a reason it’s illegal. Babies are no different. Babies are alive and have organs in just a few weeks. Babies can live outside the womb by 18 weeks. And with artificial wombs even sooner. Only 1% of abortion is from rape. The other 99% is from CONSENSUAL sex. Very few abortion is from birth control failing. The majority is due to no birth control being used. If people used birth control, tied their tubes, got a vasectomy, or became sterile, the number of pregnancies would drop dramatically. Pregnancy is not dangerous nor kills the mother as abortion clinics claim. There can be difficulties sometimes, yes, but so long as you see a doctor you’re fine. Complications mostly arise when the mother has a genetic condition, drinks, or does drugs when pregnant. Abortion doesn’t lower human overpopulation. Not having babies does. Abortion simply makes life seem insignificant.
Over half of all women who have had abortions say they were pressured/forced into it. Had they had support from family members or didn’t have abortionists telling them they needed to kill their baby to have a normal life they would have never gone through with it.
The number one victim of human abortions are girls, due to sons being preferred. Disabled children (or at least believed to be disabled) are the second most aborted, with some countries, such as Greenland, forcing people to abort children with livable disabilities such as autism and down syndrome.
The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a leader in the eugenics movement and while she was against abortion, she promoted ending people of color via forced sterilization. Her writings helped inspire Hitler (true story), and while Planned Parenthood enacted abortion as a primary tool after her death despite her being against it, the reason they use it is the same: to target people of color.
Most Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are in communities of color, primarily black and Latin American communities. More black and Hispanic Americans have abortions than white people due to being heavily targeted by these clinics with misinformation and ads.
Former employees of Planned Parenthood have reported numerous times of forcing women into abortions by telling them they have no other choice, as well as helping pimps abort babies from prostitutes who are as young as 13.
The myth that women can’t work or go to college when pregnant or caring for a child didn’t appear until the late 1990s. The leaders of the Suffrage movement were against abortion and said it was the greatest attack against women. Modern abortion was founded and is still controlled by men.
Many fathers are seen crying outside abortion clinics unable to save the child they would have loved and cared for. It takes two to make a baby, why are fathers being left out? This is a male issue too.
Babies being aborted struggle as they are killed via the various abortion methods. Just as animals fight to not be killed on the slaughterhouse floor, the unborn fight and feel pain as their limbs are ripped or suctioned off their frail bodies.
If having a heart beat does not justify being alive, than no animal nor adult human is alive. Vegans protect animals because they are alive with organs and know when they are in danger, and feel pain. Unborn babies have organs, struggle to live, and feel pain as early as 7 weeks.
Abortion is NOT vegan and goes against the foundations of veganism. Veganism is about not killing or harming others. Abortion is simply killing a baby. Human rights and animal rights are connected. So long as people support abortion animals will also be killed. Abortion is as much of a choice as killing a dog. You may choose to do so, but the victim didn’t get a say if they live or die. This idea that it’s a “choice” is the same mindset carnist have in regard to killing animals for food. It’s their choice to kill, and it’s legal. That doesn’t make it right. Abortion is murder, abortion is against veganism, abortion is against women’s rights. To support it is simply supporting murder, exploiting women, and not being vegan.

Pro Life, Pro Animal: https://www.nationalreview.com/2013/10/pro-life-pro-animal-matthew-scully/
Catholicism and Animal Ethics: https://digital.library.txstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10877/8257/Rodriguez-Final.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y&
How Many Pregnant Animals are Slaughtered: https://www.kinderworld.org/blog/how-many-pregnant-mothers-are-slaughtered-for-meat-and-dairy/?fbclid=IwAR1gV7YklC6qAscOx9kVcB3fXLBHepGJpFHrKDx3yk_fJ1fyS617DE70Gr8
Fetal Bovine Serum and the Slaughter of Pregnant Bovines: https://www.serumindustry.org/uploads/cms/nav-42-5c3a30db2162f.pdf
Birth and Motherhood in Slaughterhouse: https://sentientmedia.org/birth-and-motherhood-in-a-slaughterhouse-charlottes-story/
Pregnancy at Slaughter: https://www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-pregnancy.html
Cows Slaughtered While Pregnant at Brazilian Slaughterhouse: https://animalequality.org.uk/news/pregnant-cows-killed-brazilian-slaughterhouse/
Slaughter of Pregnant Cows in Denmark: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6681307/
Slaughtering Pregnant Animals: https://viva.org.uk/animals/campaigns/slaughter/