Dairy is NOT for Humans
Ga Maleven
Milk: An opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.
Milk is produced by all mammalian female animals who have given birth to their young. Depending on the species and how much the offspring is nursing will dictate for how long the mother will lactate and how much she will produce. Enzymes within the baby allows them to break down the milk, helping them get all their nutrients until they are developed enough to consume other food sources. Different species produce different types of milk, which aids in ensuring their baby grows the proper amount at the right pace. Mothers have been found to even produce different types of milk depending on the sex of their offspring. Milk also contains antibodies from the mother that helps to protect the baby by giving them an extra immune system boost (although it is not as strong as vaccines). Milk contains puss, blood, lipids, and other bodily fluids and nutrients from the mother. Nursing also builds a stronger bond between the mother and her offspring, and creates trust. A baby nursing from their loving mother is a beautiful sight regardless of species. Something created for those two to share for the time required until the baby can be weaned.
Milk is for a baby and only babies, but for some reason humans have taken to drinking it even after being weaned and their bodies developing to no longer being able to process it. Worse, humans are taking milk from other species.
Dairy, no matter the form it comes in whether as the liquid, in baked goods, as cheese, yogurt, icecream, etc. is always milk and contains all the puss, blood, and animal protein inside of it. Regardless of what species it is taken from, when you are not the infant of that lactating mother, and especially if you are already weaned, consuming milk is catastrophically detrimental to your health.
While dairy is a primary cause of climate change, it is also the source of horrific abuse and many illnesses within humans. In order to produce milk, the cows, does (female goats), or any animal must have had a baby. The dairy industry exploits the female reproduction system by using artificial insemination. This practice of raping the females begins by taking semen from the males of the species. Bulls in the dairy industry are bred and raised in a separate location from dairy farms. The bulls are kept locked in small pens, often chained. They can’t turn around, are often beaten, and receive no attention or time outside. They are let out only to be made to mount a fake cow or another bull. Their penis is placed into an artificial vagina to collect their semen when they ejaculate. They are never allowed to mount females because the constant mounting and humping would cause a female to receive hip damage. A bull is stronger and can handle far more mounting. Handjobs are given to the bulls and other male animals to ensure they are properly stimulated.
The semen is kept frozen and sorted before being delivered to the dairy farms. Metal tubes are forced into the vaginas of cows, does, and other female animals, placing the semen inside of them. The females are restrained with chains, ensuring they can’t escape as they are violated. The animals struggle, not consenting or enjoying the feeling. It hurts, especially with cows who have an entire arm shoved down their anus to open up the cervix.
The females become pregnant and are forced to live in often filthy and tight conditions throughout it. When they finally give birth, it is in the same gross location with urine and feces covering the ground. Their babies are taken from them immediately after birth or up to a week later. Calves are taken to become veal, and babies from other species used for dairy are killed for their flesh or simply thrown out to die. The veal industry is a direct consequence of the dairy industry.
Veal calves, who are all males, are taken to farms where they are locked away in small crates and often chained. Their movement is restricted, ensuring their muscles do not properly develop so their flesh stays soft. They are killed a week to two weeks of age, often suffering horrible abuse, neglect, and left to the harsh elements if kept in outdoor hutches. They are either killed by being sent to a slaughterhouse, or are stomped on, shot in the head, or simply neglected.
The mothers and daughters don’t fair any better. Female calves and kids will be forced to live out the same lives of their mothers. Dairy cows have been genetically manipulated to produce far more milk than they naturally would. This leads to udders much too large and causing pain, illness, and inability to walk. Cows and goats are kept in crowded, filthy conditions, being forced to defecate and urinate in the same place they eat, sleep, and walk. They are covered in sores, often injured from self inflicted stress wounds, and in pain from being beaten by workers. Fire is used to burn off the extra hair on the udders, which hurts and singes the cows’ legs often. Horns are sawed off with a chainsaw or cut off with powerful tools. This caused immense pain since there are blood vessels that run through the horns.
Dairy animals are kept pregnant constantly to ensure they are always producing milk. Pregnancy and labor puts the body through a lot of work, changing hormones dramatically, and causing illness. Due to this, the abuse, and the antibiotics pumped into the animals to ensure they do not become diseased, dairy animals often are too ill to walk. These animals are referred to as “downers” in the industry, and receive even worse treatment, sometimes being moved around roughly by a forklift. While cows can live to be 20 and goats to 18 years, in the dairy industry they are often killed around 3-5 years old due to not producing as much milk from being so worn down.
The animals are then tightly packed into trucks and sent to die horribly at slaughter, which I will go into more detail about in an upcoming journal.
Dairy is simply not meant for humans to consume. Even if milk can be taken from an animal without harming them, the fact remains it harms us. Animal protein has been found to be a leading cause of many illnesses in humans from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. Dairy also contains high levels of estrogen, which causes adult females who drink it to develop breast cancer, ovarian cancer, bad menstrual cycles, and other health concerns. Men develop enlarged breasts, and eczema, severe acne, migraines, skin conditions, osteoporosis, and many more illnesses result. Milk has been found to actually cause brittle bones rather than strong ones. While milk is often stated to be high in calcium, the opposite is true. Calcium is best taken in from plants such as kale, broccoli, soybeans, spinach, kelp, collard greens, and many more. Here are more health concerns on dairy.
There is a chemical inside of all milk called casomorphin that caused a nursing baby to become addicted. This ensures that the baby keeps nursing and nursing a lot so they grow up quickly. When an adult consumes this chemical, they become addicted all over again despite being weaned. Thus, literal cheese addiction. This addiction causes many to pause at the thought of going vegan when the solution is simple: Stop consuming dairy products and in 2-3 weeks the addiction will be completely gone. With plant-based alternatives to everything, it’s easier than ever to ditch dairy and still eat yummy food!
While dairy is bad for our health, the planet, and for the animals themselves, we mustn’t forget that cows, goats, camels, and other animals exploited for their mammary secretions are sentient. Bovines, domesticated from the Aurochs, are playful and smart as canines. They have strong social bonds, hold grudges, have friends, love to cuddle, and are very clever at figuring out how to escape from gates. Goats are curious, hyperactive, love attention, and enjoy being played with. Every animal is an individual who thinks and wants to be loved. No one should be exploited when we simply don’t need to.
Animal rights and humans rights are connected, and the issue of feminism plays strongly when discussing dairy. Feminism is about the equality of males and females, and nothing exploits the female reproductive system more than dairy. The entire industry is built on using what only females can produce, which is milk. Dairy exploits and abuses the vagina, uterus, mammary glands, and motherhood. A mother is raped, her baby stolen from her, and forced to live having the milk produced for her offspring taken away to be given to someone else to get sick off of. To claim to want equality between male and female while also promoting the female body to be used as a commodity and slave is hypocrisy. In order to have respect for the female body of one species, respect for ALL female bodies must be achieved.
Dairy is on the decline as more become aware of the abuse and the negative effects on the body and planet, and thus dairy is losing money fast. It losing so much money that the dairy industry has been taking government bailouts in the USA in order not to completely crash. The tax money of US citizens is used to purchase cheese that is thrown away. Dairy uses up much of the Earth’s resources due to the need to feed millions of cows every year. The expense of dairy is an astronomical waste of money, water, food, and land.
You can still eat all your favorite foods without dairy. There are numerous plant-based milks from almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, hazelnut milk, cashew milk, soy milk, oat milk, and many more. They all can be drunk straight, used in baking, turned into yogurt, icecream, cheese, and many other goodies. It is all delicious, healthy, compassionate, and saves the planet. Some websites to help find alternatives are here, here, and here.
I personally suggest trying “So Delicious” icecream/yogurt/cheesecake, “Smart Balance” butter, “Daiya” cheeses/pizza, and “Earth Balance” mac ‘n’ cheese/cheeseits/cheese puffs/butter. But, there are many, MANY more dairy free options to choose from if you don’t like those. There are recipes online, and joining vegan groups on facebook to find more products, tips, resources, and recipes is a great idea as well.
Milk is Cruel: http://www.occupyforanimals.net/milk-is-cruel.html
Veal: http://www.occupyforanimals.net/veal.html
Suffering of Cows: http://www.occupyforanimals.net/cattle-and-cows.html
Mothers Against Milk: http://freefromharm.org/animal-products-and-culture/mothers-against-dairy/
Study on Milk: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19232475?dopt=Abstract
No Body Needs Milk: http://nutritionstudies.org/no-body-needs-milk/
Is Milk Good for Our Bones: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-milk-good-for-our-bones/
Prostate Cancer and Milk: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prostate-cancer-and-organic-milk-vs-almond-milk/
Acne and Milk: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/saving-lives-by-treating-acne-with-diet/
Mercy for Animals on Dairy: http://dairy.mercyforanimals.org/
The Dairy Industry: https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/factory-farming/cows/dairy-industry/
How the Dairy Industry Tricked Humans into Believing They Need Milk: http://expand-your-consciousness.com/how-the-dairy-industry-tricked-humans-into-believing-they-need-milk/
Large Dairy Company Ditches Dairy After 90 Years: https://www.riseofthevegan.com/blog/dairy-company-ditches-cow-milk-and-switches-to-plant-milk
Cafe Ditches Dairy: https://www.riseofthevegan.com/blog/cafe-ditches-dairy-after-watching-youtube-video
Pizzeria Completely Ditches Dairy and Meat: https://www.riseofthevegan.com/blog/pizzeria-ditches-dairy-and-meat-goes-vegan
Dairy Industry Mutates Cows (video): [link]
Dairy is Scary (video): [link]
Behind dairy’s Closed Doors (video): [link]
Veal – Imprisoned in a Crate (video): [link]
Cow Crying Over Death of Family Member (video): [link]
Babies Don’t Belong Here (video): [link]
Life of a Dairy Calf in 60 Seconds (video): [link]
Dairy Destroys Motherhood (video): [link]
Dumped Calf Gets Second Chance at Life (video): [link]
Is it Time to Let Dairy fail: http://www.thelondoneconomic.com/tle-pick/is-it-time-to-let-dairy-fail/13/09/
Dairy Industry Compelled to Consider Dairy-Free Options: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=8507&catId=1
Dairy Free Market to Hit $35 Billion by 2024: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=8285&catId=1
Dairy Time Bomb as Youngsters Shun Drinking Milk: http://www.fwi.co.uk/business/dairy-time-bomb-as-youngsters-shun-drinking-milk.htm
What You Need to Know About Humane Dairy: http://humanefacts.org/humane-dairy/
Dairy Worker Speaks Out (video): [link]
A Tax on Dairy and Meat Could Save the World: http://inourishgently.com/tax-dairy-and-meat/
America’s Dairy farmers Dump 43 Million Gallons of Excess Milk: https://www.wsj.com/articles/americas-dairy-farmers-dump-43-million-gallons-of-excess-milk-1476284353
Health Concerns About dairy Products: http://www.pcrm.org/health/diets/vegdiets/health-concerns-about-dairy-products
Big Dairy to Pay $52 Million for Murderous Inflation Conspiracy: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=8348&catId=1
“The Herd” – Short Film: [link]
Dairy Singled Out as Number One Cause of Osteoporosis: http://ewao.com/2015/03/08/1-dairy-milk-singled-out-as-1-cause-of-osteoporosis/
More Than 1,000 Dairy Farms Shut Down in 3 Years: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-36764592
I Stopped Eating Dairy and Here’s What Changed: https://www.bustle.com/articles/162206-i-stopped-eating-dairy-heres-what-changed
How the Dairy Industry Has Unnaturally Altered the Life of Cows: http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/how-the-dairy-industry-has-unnaturally-altered-the-life-of-cows/
Harvard Declares Dairy NOT Part of a Healthy Diet: http://veganenthusiasts.com/2017/01/15/harvard-declares-dairy-not-part-of-healthy-diet/
Why You Don’t Need Dairy for Calcium: https://www.forksoverknives.com/milk-myth-why-you-dont-need-dairy-for-calcium/#gs.MZp633A
Busting the Milk Myth: Should Dairy be Part of a Healthy Diet?: https://aloha.com/magazine/articles/busting-the-milk-myth-should-dairy-be-part-of-a-healthy-diet
Cow Poop Pollution: http://fusion.net/story/359158/the-problem-with-dairy-cow-manure-in-washington/
Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/childhood-constipation-and-cows-milk/
The Milk Industry Lost $420 Million From a Defective Cow Gene: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2016/10/the-dairy-industry-lost-420-million-from-a-flaw-in-a-single-bull/505616/
Why Milk is Bad for You – The Real Dangers of Milk: http://livingtraditionally.com/read-youll-never-look-milk-way/
Almond Milk Leads to 10,000 Fewer Dairy Cows in California: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=8395&catId=1
Dairy Farmers Are Converting Land to Almond Groves: http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/dairy-farmers-are-converting-land-to-almond-groves/
Dairy Industry Killed Off 500,000 Cows in Alleged Price-Fixing Scheme: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dairy-industry-cows-settlement_us_57d1a4ade4b03d2d459926e4
Cheese is as Addictive as Hard Drugs: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/cheese-triggers-the-same-part-of-brain-as-hard-drugs-study-finds-a6707011.html
How We Have Been Tricked Into Thinking Milk is Good for Us: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/elena-orde/world-milk-day_b_10217500.html
New Campaign to Change How the World Sees Dairy: http://latestvegannews.com/revolutionary-new-campaign-to-change-the-way-the-world-sees-dairy/
Cow’s Milk Casomorphin & Autism: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cows-milk-casomorphin-and-autism/
Cows on Dairy Farm (video): [link]
Cows and Horses Shredded (video): [link]
Pregnancy at Slaughter (video): [link]
Dairy’s Dark Secret (video): [link]
5 Reasons Milk is Bad for you (video): [link]
Milk Doesn’t Do Shit for Your Bones: https://munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/milk-doesnt-do-shit-for-your-bones
Milk May Not be Good for Bones or Body: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2014/10/31/study-milk-may-not-be-very-good-for-bones-or-the-body/?utm_term=.6a869cd916a0
Why is Milk Consumption Associated with More Bone Fractures: https://nutritionfacts.org/2017/01/31/why-is-milk-consumption-associated-with-more-bone-fractures/
Does Casein in Milk Trigger Type 1 Diabetes: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-casein-in-milk-trigger-type-1-diabetes/
Government Bailout for Dairy: http://www.mercyforanimals.org/dairy-bailout-your-tax-dollars-just-bought
Dairy Industry Suckles From Federal Teat: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-shapiro/dairy-industry-suckles-fr_b_11703636.html
US Government Buying Tons of Dairy and Eggs: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/us-government-buying-tons-eggs-and-cheese-180960296/
Why Milk is a Feminist Issue: https://www.viva.org.uk/why-milk-feminist-issue
Can You be Feminist and drink Milk: https://www.peta2.com/news/feminism-dairy-milk/
Why You Can’t Be a Milk Drinking Feminist: http://www.huffingtonpost.in/poorva-joshipura/why-you-cant-be-a-milkdri_b_9615218.html
5 Reasons Why Animal Rights is a Feminist Issue: http://everydayfeminism.com/2014/12/animal-rights-feminist-issue/
The Feminist Dilemma: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ari-solomon/the-feminists-dilemma_b_306880.html
Dairy is a Feminist Issue: http://caroljadams.blogspot.com/2012/09/dairy-is-feminist-issue.html
Can You be a Feminist and Consume Dairy: http://www.theveganwoman.com/feminism-the-next-step/
A Call to Feminists: http://gentleworld.org/to-be-a-feminist-is-to-be-a-vegan/
Feminism and Veganism: The Dairy Connection: http://veganindependent.com/feminism-and-veganism-the-dairy-connection/
A Call to Feminists: Dairy and the Subjugation of Women: https://animalactionofreading.wordpress.com/2014/09/05/a-call-to-feminists/
Milk is a Feminist Issue: http://www.thescavenger.net/feminism-a-pop-culture-sp-9560/feminism-a-pop-culture/662-milk-is-a-feminist-issue.html
Feminism and Dairy: http://www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-feminist-critique-milk.html
Is Veganism and Act of Feminism: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/is-veganism-an-act-of-feminism
The Feminist Vegan: https://thefeministvegan.com/home/dairyisantifeminist
Goats Beaten on Goat Farm (video): [link]
Cows Exploited (video): [link]
Artificial Insemination (video): [link]
Dairy Industry Abuses Workers: http://inthesetimes.com/article/17348/big_dairy_work_an_udderly_bad_job
Goat Abuse: http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/goats-in-dairy-production/
Abuse of Dairy Goats: http://www.trueactivist.com/disturbing-video-exposes-how-goats-are-treated-in-the-dairy-industry-watch/
Why Milk is Bad for you and Your Bones: https://saveourbones.com/osteoporosis-milk-myth/
7 Reasons Milk is Bad for You: https://www.bustle.com/articles/137195-7-reasons-milk-is-bad-for-you
12 Frightening Facts About Milk: http://nutritionstudies.org/12-frightening-facts-milk/
Why Milk is Bad for You: http://www.fullyraw.com/why-milk-is-bad-for-you/
Science Shows Milk is Bad for You: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2015/10/dairy-industry-milk-federal-dietary-guidelines
13 Reasons to Never Drink Goat Milk: https://www.peta.org/features/reasons-never-to-drink-goats-milk/
Cows are Way More Intelligent Than You Probably Thought: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cows-are-way-smarter-than-you-thought_us_55b631ede4b0224d8832b382
Clever Bovines (video): [link]
Farm Animal Intelligence: http://www.grit.com/animals/farm-animal-intelligence
Some of the Smartest Non-human Animals: http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/9-smartest-animals-earth
The Secret Life of Cows: http://www.animalsaustralia.org/issues/secret-lives-of-cows.php
It’s Time to Respect Cows: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-inner-lives-animals/201008/it-s-time-magazine-respect-cows
Goats Are as Smart and Loving as Dogs: http://www.sciencealert.com/goats-are-just-as-smart-and-loving-as-dogs-say-scientists
Goats Are Smart and Loving: http://nextshark.com/goats-smart-dogs-love-humans-just-much-university-study-finds/
Goats are Really Smart: https://www.seeker.com/baaaaa-goats-are-really-smart-1768413594.html
Smart Goats Escaping (video): [link]
Woman Saves Disabled Baby Goats (video): [link]
Dairy Farm Info (video): [link]
Dr. John McDougall on Dairy (video): [link]
Dr. Michael Klaper on Dairy (video): [link]
90 Seconds on Dairy (video): [link]
Joe Keon on Dairy (video): [link]
Milk Explained (video): [link]
Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd on Dairy and Meat (video): [link]
5 Minutes in a Life of Chains (video): [link]
Your Milk’s Mother (video): [link]
Veal Calves Ripped From Mothers (video): [link]
Angel Gentle Barn (video): [link]
Secrets of the Dairy Industry (video): [link]
Saving Princess (video): [link]
Theo Goes to New Pastures (video): [link]
Cow Intelligence (video): [link]
Cows Jump for Joy to be Released (video): [link]
Rescued Dairy Cow Loves Affection From Rescuers (video): [link]
Link Between Dairy Protein, Casein, and Cancer (video): [link]
The Real Price of Dairy (video): [link]
6 Reasons to Avoid Dairy: http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/06/24/dairy-6-reasons-you-should-avoid-it-at-all-costs-2/
If Milk Commercial Were Honest (video): [link]
Dairy Industry Abuse on “Local” Farm (video): [link]
Vegan Icecream from Haagen-Dazs: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=9720&catId=1
Calf Kept From Nursing (video): [link]
Goat Milk Abuse (video): [link]
Alice the Cow (video): [link]
Mother Chases for Her Stolen Baby (video): [link]
Mother Sheep Kept From Nursing Babies (video): [link]
Sickness in dairy Cow (video): [link]
dairy cows Suffering Extreme Heat (video): [link]
Veal Calves (video): [link]
Newborn Calf Stolen From Mother (video): [link]
cow and Horse are Best friends (video) [link]
Goat Cheese Farm Stops Using Animals (video): [link]
Veal farm (video): [link]
British Dairy Farm: [link]
Harm of Dairy (video): [link]
Dairy President Confronted By Vegan (video): [link]
Can Dairy Ever Be Humane: https://goveganworld.com/2798-2/
A Brave Mother (video): [link]
Dairy is Not Healthy (video): [link]
Babies Sent to Slaughter (video): [link]
Dairy Takes Babies From Mothers: [link]
A Mother’s Grief (video): [link]
Is Milk Actually Good? (video): [link]
Bobby Cows (video): [link]
Landmark Ruling for Animal Rights: https://goveganworld.com/landmark-judgement-animal-rights/
Pregnant Cows Killed (video): [link]
Multiple Videos of Dairy Abuse:
(There are thousands of undercover footage from dairy farms. You can search online for more, but here are a few.)
[link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link] – [link]
Shocking: What the Dairy Industry does to Cows
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The Ultimate Vegan Guide to Plant-Based Milks | Love Veg
The Dairy Industry is Cold Evil Live Vegan
Company Sells Pink Animal-Torture Devices for Breast Cancer Awareness
Former Dairy Farm Goes 100% Vegan
Heartbreaking moment cow chases her calves down the street
“Most of the mother cows that are killed are pregnant, how could you kill a pregnant animal?”
10 Things I Wish All Americans Knew About The Meat and Dairy Industries
‘Humane milk is a myth’: veganism advert cleared by standards body
School Kids React to Truth About Dairy and Eggs
Operation Burnham Dairy Florida | ARM Animal Recovery Mission
Vegan Problems – Which Milk Do I Choose
Listen with sound. That’s the sound of an innocent baby calling for his mother.
Harvard Declares Dairy NOT Part of Healthy Diet
Dairy Mother Hours From Brutal Death
This Woman Exposes Dairy Industry Lies – Powerful Speech!
The breast milk of a pregnant cow is toxic when consumed by humans. “Dairy” is not human food.
Milk prices force farm closure
Dairy’s ‘dirty secret’: it’s still cheaper to kill male calves than to rear them
Jeff RosenbergVegan Ammunition
‘Milk Does the Body Good’ Is the Biggest Lie Ever and How Government Helps Big Dairy Sell Milk
The dark side of dairy: The true impact of dairy-farming on the life of cows
Are Animals Raped By Animal Agriculture Industry
Disturbing footage shows the shocking conditions inside dairy farms
Dairy Farm Workers Found Guilty Of Animal Cruelty After ‘Torturing’ Cows
Dean Foods ending business with local dairy farmers
Dean Foods Dumps 2 Dozen Dairy Accounts Because No One Wants Cow’s Milk!
Harvard Study: Pasteurized Milk From Industrial Dairies Linked to Cancer
A Mother’s Milk: Behind the Scenes of the Dairy Industry.
Senate Issues Failing Dairy Industry $1 Billion Handout
‘Rise of Veganism’ Named as a Threat to the Veal Meat Market
Smart Dairy Farmers Are Planting Almond Crops Because Even They Know No One Wants Cow’s Milk Anymore
Expert Says Dairy Industry Will Vanish in 10 Years
McArthur Dairy Farm Abuse Revealed by ARM Investigations Facto…
The Unbelievable Lives of Baby Cows
This is footage of a family owned Dairy farm in South Florida (they supply to Publix)
Dairy Farmers Abuse Cows with Blowtorches, Spears
Standard Conditions at a Dairy Farm
Dairy is scary. The public are waking up to the darkest part of farming | Chas Newkey-Burden
Babies Trucked to Slaughterhouse
Pensioner, 80, ‘pushed entire arm into cow’s rectum and masturbated’
Cheese triggers the same part of the brain as hard drugs
Formerly Ga-Maleven