Questions and Answers About Veganism Part 2
Ga Maleven
Are Humans Natural Herbivores or Omnivores?
This is probably the most debated question whenever veganism is discussed. And therefore brings up the most tension. The short answer is, yes, humans are herbivores. But before you choose to deny this, let me give you the long answer:
There are multiple variables that designate a species as a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore. These come in the brain, digestive system, and physical structure of the animal in question. Humans, being animals, follow the same criteria as any other species. This is a biological breakdown of the human anatomy in comparison to other species.
The Teeth and Jaw Structure: The most brought up argument for eating meat is the claim that the human canines equate the ability to tear flesh apart and rip off bones. While the canines are equipped to do this in carnivorous and omnivorous species, in herbivorous species they are not. All mammals have incisors, canines, and molars. The fact they exist does not mean they necessitate the animal eats a certain food. It’s their size and position that does.
The canines in omnivores and carnivores are massive, omnivores such as as bear teeth, canine teeth, chimpanzee teeth you can clearly see the structure of the canines. How long and sharp they are, while the incisors are tiny. The molars of these animals also are sharp and jagged. Not flat and smooth like human teeth. Carnivores have teeth such as lion teeth, shark teeth, and leopard seal teeth.
Now, look at Human teeth. Which animal do they look the most like? Do they look like any of the above animals? No, they resemble the teeth of horses, orangutans, and As for herbivores who do have large canines, such as gorillas, fanged deer, or pigs, this is due to how the animals fight. Large tusks help them battle, not so much with eating. A gorilla doesn’t eat with his canines, still relying on his large incisors and molars for the fruits he consumes. While pigs and fanged deer also are unable to properly use these massive teeth to do anything but as defense. Some species of pigs simply use their tusks to find mates. And then elephants, who tusks are actually giant teeth, use them to battle, carry trees, push trees over, and help support their babies when the young ones are tired.
Teeth can be used for more than just eating. But for humans, our teeth are for masticating plants.
Here is a good comparison:
But, the teeth are not the only part that makes us frugivores. There’s more to our bodies than just that.
Physical Aspects: The physical aspects besides teeth is the digestive system as a whole. Now since teeth have been covered, let’s move on to the rest of it. The jaws of herbivores rotate in a circular motion. Jaws on carnivores and omnivores only can move up and down. Humans rotate their jaws. This is due to plants requiring a circular grinding motion to tear apart while flesh is ripped out and swallowed.
The saliva of herbivores can break down starch. No carnivore nor omnivore’s saliva can break down starch. Human saliva can break down starch, which is only found in plants. The saliva of carnivores and omnivores also contain more bacteria to fight off the bacteria found in flesh. No herbivores have as many bacteria as flesh consuming animals. We also lack the inability to swallow large chunks of food. This is something only carnivores and omnivores posses due to the difficulty of tearing flesh apart. But before you think that you can break flesh apart easily, you can’t. When flesh is cooked the heat breaks down protein layers. This loosens up the muscle, which meat is, and therefore easier to break. But if you were to bite into the raw flesh of a freshly killed animal you would be unable to break it down with your teeth. If it rots for some time, that can also break it down some, which is not natural for an omnivore, but a scavenger. In fact, the number one food humans choke on is meat.
The liver of humans produces a weak enzyme that is unable to break down animal amino acids (animal protein). It also does not produce enzymes for breaking down lactose. Carnivores and omnivores produce very powerful enzymes for processing dead flesh, and this can also harm them if they go without eating for too long.
The stomach acids of carnivores and omnivores is incredibly powerful. If a carnivore goes too long without eating the stomach acids along with the enzymes can break down their own organs. If you have ever had a sick cat who doesn’t want to eat, your vet would have told you how paramount it is to ensure the cat eats. This is due to the digestive system being so powerful. While canines are omnivores so their stomach acids are not as powerful as a true carnivore, they still can’t go as long without food as herbivores in fear of their digestive system harming itself.
The intestines of herbivores are very long, and the walls are lumpy. This allow plant material to process slowly and as many nutrients absorbed as possible. While carnivores and omnivores have short, smooth walled intestines. This is because flesh needs to get out of the body as quickly as possible before it can start to rot. This complication occurs in humans who eat meat often, where the intestines get jammed with dead flesh causing intestinal clogging. Sometimes up to 16 pounds of dead flesh and other material is removed from a human during surgery.
The human small intestine is about 20 feet long. A lion’s is only 5 feet.
Humans also lack the taste buds for tasting meat. This is why it is bland and requires salt and plants to season it, or cooked to give it flavor. And due to our stomach acids being so weak meat takes forever to process in it, letting it rot inside of us. This is why people say they feel full when they eat meat, but always hungry when eating plants. But that doesn’t mean we are adequately fed. Humans naturally should be eating throughout the day, as is normal for all herbivores. Not gorging themselves on large meals two or three times a day. True carnivores often gorge on a meal once every 2-5 days, or even longer. But herbivores eat often.
Humans also lack claws and other physical attributes to enable us to hunt, catch prey, and tear it apart. We are designed for picking fruit and handling plants to easier consume it.
The Mentality: Another huge factor is the brain. All animals have instincts, even humans. Instincts are not a program that controls you and you just go with it. It’s the natural way your brain functions to help you survive. Instincts are very simple acts you perform without even realizing they are instincts. A baby nursing from their mother’s breast is an instinct. A baby “doggie-paddling” when in the water to swim is an instinct. Jumping when startled is an instinct.
And once instinct carnivores and omnivores have is a prey drive. No herbivore has this. And no human has this. No human sees a bunny and think “I need to chase it, catch it, and bite into it.” If you put a toddler in a crib with a rabbit and an apple the toddler will always play with the bunny and eat the apple.
It is due to this lack of a prey drive that humans get sick at gore and seeing animals die. Yes, some do love killing and gore, but this is due to years of brainwashing, exposure, and forcing change. Same reason a dog who naturally would never fight a bear can be trained to engage in bear baiting. Or any other type of mental illness can be instilled from abuse, brainwashing, and teaching hate rather than love. But naturally, every child cries when they see an animal being killed, and none want to harm an animal. Hatred is taught, no one is born with it.
Animal products also harm our bodies. 70% of illnesses have been linked to meat, dairy, and eggs as a primary or only cause. These illnesses include cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, eczema, IBS, etc. Obesity is also due to animal fat which the human body does not know how to process so simply stores it, leading to excess weight gain.
Even if humans were omnivores, they still don’t eat like one. True omnivores and carnivores eat flesh immediately after the prey animal has died, or while they are still alive. Humans eat it a week or more after death, resembling a scavenger, not a predator. By this time the flesh is already turning green, but the meat industry sprays it with carbon monoxide (a poison) to turn it red, when naturally dead flesh is brownish. And even if humans ate fresh flesh, the fact is they still don’t eat like an omnivore. Wolves in the wild eat 50% plant material while bears eat 80% or more plant material. The primary time bears eat meat is when preparing for hibernation since animal fat is slow to burn. Only polar bears are carnivorous bears.
To learn more about the studies on plant-based eating verses meat-based eating, see these website:
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:
Center for Nutrition Studies:
To Listen to Doctors Talk About Plant-Based Verse Meat-Based See these:
Dr. Greger:
Dr. Klaper:…
Dr. Barnard:…
Dr. Kellner:…
Dr. Campbell:………………
Humans are herbivores:
Animal vs plant proteins:
Study animal protein causes higher mortality rate:…
And Our Ancestors:……………
Is Abortion a Vegan Issue?
To learn more about what abortion is and why it is not part of human rights, please read this.
Veganism is about not harming anyone, whether human or non-human animal. It’s about peace and compassion for all. Animal and human rights are connected. You cannot have one without the other. So, not harming unborn babies is also part of veganism. Therefore, abortion is not vegan.
Let me explain in more detail:
Unborn animals are often killed in the meat and dairy industries. Pregnant cows and sows are sent to slaughter, their young ripped out from their bodies and either thrown away or used to make a profit. Unborn pigs often are dissected in schools, which is unnecessary since we have realistic models that can teach. Several countries have banned dissecting since it is so unnecessary for young students. And unborn calves are often torn apart for their stomach acids and other parts used to help product cheese or for cosmetics. Even unborn sheep are killed for special wool.
That is not vegan to do this to these unborn lose to full term or not. So why do human babies differ? They don’t.
As the paper above explained, abortion is unnecessary, it harms women, and simply exploits desperate women rather than helps them. Abortion serves no good and rather than it be promoted we must promote birth control, sterilization, tube tying, vasectomies, etc. 99% of all abortions came from consensual sex. If they had used birth control almost none of those pregnancies would of occurred. And the act of killing a baby who has all their organs by 7 weeks is simply wrong. why end a life for being unwanted by the birth mother, or not even giving them a chance?
But why would vegans need to care about abortion? Because the same arguments made to defend it are also used to defend carnism.
Abortionists claim that it’s their “personal choice” to kill an unborn baby. This is the same argument carnists attempt to make. But, once another life is involved it’s no longer a “personal” choice.
Abortionists claim that the unborn “don’t feel pain” or are “different” from the already born. Carnists claim that non-human animals “don’t feel pain” and that they are “not like us.”
Abortionists claim that the unborn are “just a clump of cells.” Carnists claim “they’re just animals.”
Abortionists claim “it’s my body, my choice” when killing another life. Carnists claim “it’s my body, my choice” when killing another life for meat, dairy, eggs, fur, leather, vivisecting, etc.
Abortionists claim it’s “population control.” Carnists claim that killing animals is also “population control,” despite them causing those lives to be conceived and birthed in the first place.
Abortionists say it’s legal and therefore okay. Carnists also claim that because slaughtering animals horrifically is legal it’s therefore okay to continue.
Abortionists say it’s their “opinion.” Carnists also claim the “opinion argument,” also grossly misusing the term.
Abortionists and carnists both cause babies to die, mothers to be exploited, and claim what they are doing as “beneficial.” When in reality it exploits the female reproductive system, harms females, kills babies, and does not need to be done when alternatives exist that are cruelty-free.
So long as any life is killed, is harmed, is exploited, all lives will be. You can’t have human rights without animal rights. You can’t have veganism so long as abortion exists. No one is truly prolife unless they protect all life. That includes animals and the unborn. Abortion goes against the foundations of veganism, which is all lives matter. So long as abortion exists animal slaughter will exist. So long as any life is viewed as lesser all lives will be viewed as lesser.
Abortion is a vegan issue. It’s an unnecessary, cruel act that must be stopped and cruelty-free alternatives replace it. Those alternatives are birth control, better sex education, and helping women in need rather than exploiting them for quick profit.
Quick Summary Why Abortion is Anti-Woman and Anti-Vegan:
Abortion is killing a child. No one has the right to murder. Abortion is an industry built on taking advantage of the female reproductive system, just as dairy is. It’s unnecessary and the abortion industry has lied to people to make them believe it’s “safe” and “necessary,” when it’s just as safe and necessary as dairy. It’s anti women’s rights. Abortion that is labeled as “safe” still can kill and injure women, as many have been. If course making something illegal will still have people doing it. It just will make LESS people do it. Less people murder adults because it’s illegal. Still happens but there’s a reason it’s illegal. Babies are no different. Babies are alive and have organs in just a few weeks. Babies can live outside the womb by 18 weeks. And with artificial wombs even sooner. Only 1% of abortion is from rape. The other 99% is from CONSENSUAL sex. Very few abortion is from birth control failing. The majority is due to no birth control being used. If people used birth control, tied their tubes, got a vasectomy, or became sterile, the number of pregnancies would drop dramatically. Pregnancy is not dangerous nor kill the mother as abortion clinic claim. There can be difficulties sometimes, yes, but so long as you see a doctor you’re fine. Complications mostly arise when the mother has a genetic condition, drinks, or does drugs when pregnant. Abortion doesn’t lower human overpopulation. Not having babies does. Abortion simply makes life seem insignificant. Abortion is NOT vegan and goes against the foundations of veganism. Veganism is about not killing or harming others. Abortion is simply killing a baby. Human rights and animal rights are connected. So long as people support abortion animals will also be killed. Abortion is as much of a choice as killing a dog. You may choose to do so, but the victim didn’t get a say if they live or die. This idea that it’s a “choice” is the same mindset carnist have in regard to killing animals for food. It’s their choice to kill, and it’s legal. That doesn’t make it right. Abortion is murder, abortion is against veganism, abortion is against women’s rights. To support it is simply supporting murder, exploiting women, and not being vegan.
Are Vegans Terrorists?
No, vegans are not terrorists. A terrorist is someone who commits heinous acts of violence to instill terror and fear in a group of people. Such cases is a person using a car bomb to terrify people into doing what they want. Vegans never use violence nor fear since that goes against the foundations of veganism. Veganism is about peace and compassion for all life. And we educate about veganism and what happens to those being abused, killed, and raped with peaceful protests, education, and spreading the facts with images, videos, studies, etc.
Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is not a terrorist group, either. They do undercover investigations, as well as save sick and dying animals from cruel situations, such as labs, factory farms, fur farms, etc. If a dog was being beaten and raped daily and near death, and a group of people broke the dog out of a cage and saved his life, would you say they are terrorists? No, because you understand that a dog’s life is worth saving. And so are the lives of other species. And by saving these dying animals not only does it give them a chance to finally live a good life, but also help to show and expose what really happens in these cruel industries for world to see so we can end them.
What about Anti-Venom?
Anti-venom is created by giving a tiny bit of venom from a venomous snake, spider, etc. and injecting it into a larger animal, such as a horse. When the amount is so little it won’t kill the larger animal, and the animal’s body will treat the venom like a disease, creating ant-bodies to fight it. The blood then can be taken and reproduced creating the anti-venom with the white blood cells. Basically, a vaccination against venom.
While some anti-venom “farms” do have abuse, there is a way to produce the anti-venom in a lab by continuously growing the white blood cells. And if a large animal is needed they must be properly cared for. While we do not have the perfect lab equipment to eliminate animals entirely, the fact is anti-venom is saving lives, which is what veganism is about. Like vaccines, it may not be perfect and entirely free of all animals, we can make it be that way if we continue supporting the research into those methods. Until then, anti-venom is necessary to save ourselves and those we love from a deadly bite from a venomous animal. And we should use the medicine given to us to stay alive. We need it, we can change the process of how it’s made, but the end result is simply life saving medicine.
Are Plant Alternatives Tasty? Where to find them?
Yes, plant-based alternatives to meat, dairy, eggs, and honey are very tasty and easy to find! There are so many options so if one doesn’t taste good, just try another.
Alternatives to meat are: Tofu, seitan, tempeh, Tofurkey, Beyond Meat, Gardein, Smart Life, Quorn, etc. There are others, and many companies may have a few of their own, so see what’s near you. There’s so many I can’t keep track of all of them, but these are some that I use. These are sold in most stores, such as Target, Giant, Wegmans, Whole Foods, Wal-Mart, etc.
Alternatives to dairy: Soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, rice milk, oat milk, flaxseed milk, coconut milk, hazelnut milk, peanut milk, pea milk, rice milk, banana milk, etc. Even if you have a nut allergy there are still plant-based milks you can safely drink, such as pea milk, rice milk, oat milk, and flaxseed milk. Pea milk has the most calcium, and it tastes a lot like dairy milk. You can find these milks almost anywhere.
Alternatives to eggs: When baking eggs are easily replaced with bananas, coconut oil, apple sauce, or a combination of ground flaxseeds soaked in some water. One tablespoon to three tablespoons of water for one egg. This is best for baking and you don’t even taste it. Plus, flaxseeds are very nutritious so extra good health. For scrambled eggs tofu makes a great substitute. Recipes online can help you find the best way to scramble it. And vegan egg replacements are also sold in stores.
For replacing honey agave nectar or maple syrup is best. If you use honey for when you are sick, maple syrup works wonderfully.
When in doubt, just Google, or check out or other vegan websites to find help with replacing animal products. The resources are there and easy to find. Depending on what you want will depend which alternative you use. Easiest way to find something is just to go to your local grocery store and look at the ingredients on all the food. You’ll be surprised how many things you already eat are vegan!
But carnists can still live long and healthy lives!
Yes, some people who eat animal products do live long and seemingly healthy lives despite their diet, but this does not mean they are truly happy nor that it’s okay for humans to consume animal products. It takes time for animal products to harm the body. It’s a buildup of them clogging arteries and slowly destroying the immune system for cancer to take over. And that buildup can take years, especially as your body weakens with age and the growing buildup. So, while you’re young you can seemingly be healthily, and so use to how you feel you accept it as normal. But after changing to a plant-based diet you’ll notice you have more energy, no constipation, etc. It can be small changes you notice, and major changes unseen within your body. Such as a massive reduction of estrogen that is heavily found in dairy, or the huge amount of cholesterol found in eggs.
When you do eat a little healthier, such as home made meals, fresh vegetables, or exercise, you can slow down more drastic health issues such as diabetes, obesity, etc. but the animal products in your diet are still self harming. Basically, living “healthy” while eating animal products is like taking a bullet to the arm rather than the chest. You are alive, but it’s still harming you and can be the cause of your death.
As for living a long time, this is mostly due to modern medicine. Now, we can have heart surgeries to replace hearts dying from poor diets, drugs to counteract the effects of diseases caused by animal products, and tablets to get nutrients without actually eating the source of those nutrients. You prolong your life, but it’s not really living. Just surviving as your dying body is kept on some form of life support.
This is why those who eat plant-based are less likely to have diseases that kill them young, or be stuck in a wheelchair by 70 years from weak bones and muscles. No matter what, a plant-based diet is healthier, it improves the quality of your life, and is simply cruelty-free.
Can vegans have guns and other weapons?
Yes, vegans can have guns and other weapons. Having a weapon doesn’t make you a killer. Using that weapon to kill does. But anything can be used to kill, from a baseball bat, car, chair, etc. So long as you aren’t killing you’re able to be vegan with those tools. Guns can be used for protection, recreational, or simply to collect as many do with historical weapons. You don’t need to use these things for violence, even if they were originally created for violence.
The one tool that takes the most lives every year is a knife. And yet everyone has one in their kitchen for cutting up vegetables, not stabbing necks. If you don’t use your knife to kill, don’t pay others to use one to kill for you.
But I can never stay full on a plant-based diet!
That’s normal. The human body is naturally herbivorous, so therefore we’re supposed to eat throughout the day, not gorge on 2-3 meals a day. But foods that help keep you filled for a little while are legumes, nuts, grains, bread, pasta, crackers, fake meats, etc. Just the normal foods you’d eat to be full, only without animal products. Just buy more snack foods or split your lunch and dinner into two extra meals. But it’s natural and healthier for you to just eat more throughout the day. It can be annoying, but that faster metabolism rate gives you more energy, you lose extra weight, and you will be able to get more things done.
Is feeding pets plant-based animal abuse?
No, it’s not animal abuse to feed dogs and cats a plant-based diet so long as you do it correctly. Just like any diet, if you do not ensure you get all the nutrients you need you won’t be too healthy. Canines are omnivores so switching to plant-based is easier for them. Wolves naturally eat 50% plant material in the wild, and due to domestication and severe inbreeding, many dogs now suffer from sensitive stomachs, chronic illnesses, and severe food allergies. So, plant-based diets are great for these dogs.
Cats also now suffer from allergies, chronic illnesses, and even sensitive bellies thanks to domestication and inbreeding. Plant-based diets are beneficial to these felines who otherwise would be sick on meat based diets. So long as you ensure they get all their nutrients they will be fine.
I discuss more about nutritional needs and diet for cats and dogs here.
The real animal abuse is denying your cat and/or dog the diet best for them all because you think a plant-based diet is “evil” or “harmful.” This is simply wrong. Plants produce all nutrients so it’s easy to obtain all necessary nutrients from them. As for taurine, most taurine in cat food is artificially made anyway, and this is the same taurine put into plant-based cat foods. There is no difference there amongst cat foods.
Do what’s best for your furbaby’s health, and always consult a vet. As a dog mom whose canine daughter suffered from an extremely sensitive belly, I can tell you nothing made my baby healthier and happier than when she was switched to a plant-based diet after years of being sick on a meat based diet by our abusers. Many vets recommend plant-based diets for your pet’s health, so listen to them and consider it as an option for any ailments your furry friend may be suffering through. Some cats and dogs just need to be plant-based. It could be what saves them and gives them a long, healthy life. Just as it will with you.
A vegan was mean to me! And Why are vegans
If a French person was mean to you do you assume all French people are mean? No! Just because one person of a group, ethnicity, religion, or nationality was mean to you does not equate the entirety of that group, ethnicity, religion, or nationality as also being “mean.” Sometimes you will get mean people in a group because that’s humans being humans. Furthermore, what if the “mean” vegan was just in a bad mood? We all have bad days. Or maybe you said something that upset them. Maybe they are just frustrated with the extreme ignorance and lack of empathy that vegans and animals receive from hateful carnists. We are humans, we get frustrated, we will shout, we will insult, we will lose control. But that does not mean we are “evil,” “mean,” “terrorists,” or overall “bad.”
Furthermore, vegans aren’t “always angry.” We’re frustrated with animal and human abuse and so many refusing to make the connection to help save lives. It’s not hard to be vegan, and the horrors animals suffer through daily is worse than any horror movie death. It’s a life of torment, abuse, agony, losing your babies in front of you, and a cruel, inhumane death, all while not knowing what you have done to deserve this. Terrified of why humans are so cruel and evil.
Vegans are angry at the abuse. Instead of asking why vegans are angry, you should be asking yourself why you aren’t.
Bullying vegans is just bullying.
Mocking, attacking, bullying, and arguing for the sake of being mean to a vegan is simply being an immature bully. If you don’t know about veganism, ask and listen to the vegan. If you don’t like what a vegan has to say, don’t get mad at them, get mad about the issues they are talking about. Do you get mad when a person talks about racism and needing to end it? Hopefully you are mad at the racism and not the person saying it’s bad. Don’t be mad at a vegan saying animals are horrifically killed and we don’t need to kill them. Be mad at a cruel industry that exists solely for profit by brutally killing and abusing billions of animals yearly. Bu all forms of animal and human abuse which veganism is against.
Bullying a vegan simply shows extreme immaturity, ignorant, and trying to avoid the real issues. If you are so right, what harm comes from looking at the resources a vegan gives you and explaining why they chose to live a compassionate lifestyle? You should always approach every subject by looking at both sides of an argument before making a final decision. 90% of vegans were also once carnists. We know what you are thinking, we know how you are living. There’s a reason we left that lifestyle for the vegan lifestyle and are thrilled about our decision. Listen to us to learn why that is.
Threatening a vegan that you’ll just eat more animals is the most classic abuser trick. Abusers often attack the thing their victim loves most. Whether that’s the victim’s pet, their child, or something they own that they care for. Vegans care about animals, and threatening to harm more animals is simply being an abuser. This is the most common domestic violence there is with an abuser controlling their victim. If you don’t want to be a classic abuser, than don’t threaten vegans like this. And it won’t shut us up, so why bother?
Don’t get mad at a vegan for telling you what you don’t want to hear, we say it because you have to hear it.
Bullying a vegan is no different than bullying any other activist. If you wouldn’t bully an activist fighting to end child slavery, then don’t bully an activist trying to end animal abuse.
Veganism is about peace and compassion for ALL life. Why would anyone want to fight against that? Why would anyone in their right mind want to keep harming animals? There’s no need for it, there’s cruelty-free alternatives for everything, and you are healthier being plant-based. Everyone wins with veganism.
You do not get to pick who is a victim and who isn’t. Anyone who is exploited and harmed physically, emotionally, and/or sexually is a victim. And the greatest physical exploitation is taking someone’s life. Regardless your views on it.
Veganism is not an “opinion.” It is based on science, facts, and basic morality. Listen to activists. Listen to vegans, to scientists, to doctors, to your heart. Don’t bully, insult, mock, or spread misinformation. That only harms you and others. There’s so much misinformation spread by vegan haters and the industries that profit off torturing animals. Listen to vegans and our sources to help sort through the facts and the fiction so you can make the right decision in the end.
What are some vegan celebrities? Vegan athletes?
There are so many vegan, plant-based, and vegetarian athletes and celebrities you can follow and look at as examples of what vegans are capable of doing. Liam and Christ Hemsworth, Christian Bale, Tobey Maguire, Peter Dinklage, Maisie Williams, Ariana Grande, James Cameron, Sir Paul McCartney, Patrick Baboumian, Frank Medrano, Venus Williams, Joaquin Phoenix, Moby, Woody Harrelson, David Carter, etc.
For a full list of vegan athletes, check this site:
For celebrities, see this:
Another list:
Also, historical veggies:
are just a few athletes and celebrities who are either fully vegan or plant-based.
What are some good YouTube channels to follow to
learn more? Websites?
Here are some YouTube channels to follow
Bite Size Vegan:
Gary Yourofsky:
The Animal Holocaust:
Mercy For Animals:
Vegan Gains:
Mic the Vegan:
Cheap Lazy Vegan:
Happy Healthy Vegan:
Earthling Ed:
Plant Based News:
PBN Ethics and Activism:
Erin Janus:
A Kinder World:
The Vegan Zombie:
No Egg Craig:
The Sexy Vegan:
Compassion Over Killing:
Esther the Wonder Pig:
Farm Sanctuary:
The Dodo:
For vegan websites see these:
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:
Center for Nutrition Studies:
Compassion Over Killing:
Occupy for Animals:
Bite Size Vegan:
Direct Action: Everywhere:
Humane Society:…
Mercy for Animals:
Animal Liberation Front:
In Defense of Animals:
Absolute Vegan:
The Save Movement:
Be Fair Be Vegan:
Live Kindly:
Plant Based News:
How Do I Go Vegan:
The Vegan Society:
Go Vegan:
Go Vegan World:
Choose Vegan:
Rise of the Vegan:
One Green Planet:
What the Health:
Ga Maleven