Pet Overpopulation, AKC, and Dog Breeds

Ga Maleven

Just as  human overpopulation is real and is a serious issue, pet overpopulation of domesticated animals is also significant. In this journal we will discuss specifically dogs and cats for the other domesticated animals will be addressed in others. Dogs and cats have been domesticated by man originally for the purpose of hunting, dealing with “pests,” and protection. Over time as technology has improved pets have become family members to us, but to some they are simply there for a statement of wealth, that they “have” to have one to be normal, or as a means of making profit.

Dogs and cats have been bred so much that now there is a serious overpopulation problem. Puppy/kittenmills, backyard breeders, and pedigree breeders have continuously bred and sold cats and dogs despite there already being so many. Add that to the fact of strays who breed and people who simply let their unaltered pets run wild and getting pregnant. This has led to shelters being formed that fill up quickly with dogs and cats, but tend to have very little money and space to care for these animals. And with people continuing to buy from breeders these animals sadly don’t get adopted. The result is them being euthanized.

A fertile cat can produce an average of three litters in one year. The average number of kittens in a feline litter is four to six. Up to 4,948 kittens can be born from one unspayed female cat and her offspring in seven years. Here are more statistics. The average number of puppies in a canine litter is six to ten. Up to 508 puppies can be born from one unspayed female dog and her offspring in seven years. The US ratio of dogs to humans is about one to four. Cats outnumber domesticated canines by over 15 million in the US alone.

On average, 8,000 dogs are euthanized DAILY in American shelters alone. Even more cats. Millions of cats and dogs around the world are killed in shelters because no one is adopting them, instead buying from breeders. Many shelters still use gas chambers to kill the animal en masse. It is supposed to be a painless death, but when the animals are scared, they don’t succumb to the toxin as quickly so die a slow, agonizing death, cramped tightly with other cats and dogs.

What’s the solution? Adopting your pets from shelters and/or rescues, and to spay/neuter your pets. The amount of dogs bought yearly is more than the number killed in shelters. If everyone were to adopt than the number of animals in shelters would drop dramatically in a short period of time. Not only will the killing stop, but stopping breeders will also ensure less animal abuse, genetically messed up animals, and better regulating dog owners to monitor abuse. Rescues interview people before allowing them to adopt and check in often. This helps keep abusive people from getting pets, something breeders don’t care for. Breeders only want money.

Puppy/kittenmills are places where multiple dogs are bred in small cages, not allowed to walk on grass, interact with other dogs, and receive no medical care. They are constantly impregnated and forced to have babies, only for them to be taken away and sold in stores, online, or from the back of vehicles. Backyard breeders are those who get dogs simply to breed but have no knowledge on how to breed, don’t care about the plight of the overpopulation problem, do not check who is buying their dog, and simply do so for profit. These dogs from the mills and backyard breeders sell for hundreds to thousands of dollars. Pedigree breeders breed “pure” bred dogs often for dog shows. The dogs are often inbred (fathers breeding with daughters, etc.) to ensure the dogs retain a certain look. Dogs who do not fit the AKC description of a certain breed are often killed as puppies. To ensure dogs breed, bitches are tied to what is referred to as a “rape rack” and the dog is therefore allowed to breed without the bitch biting or trying to get away. If the dog doesn’t want to breed, they are forced onto the bitch, their penis “stimulated,” and forced into the bitch. This is common practice amongst all types of dog breeders.

Dogs used in dog shows or bred to fit “breed standards” are deformed in numerous ways making them very sick, unhealthy animals. German Shepherds have backs that slope tremendously making them have “frog legs.” Boxers have seizures at young ages, pugs have twisted spine, bulldogs can’t even breed without having humans helping them, and many other breeds suffer from other various illnesses. A wonderful documentary on breeds genetically falling apart is “Pedigree Dogs Exposed,” which I have links for below.

Furthermore, dog breeds do NOT define a dog’s behavior. Pitbulls, German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds, Malinois, huskies, collies, malamutes, golden retrievers, pugs, rottweilers, Labradors, akitas, mastiffs, beagles, poodles, boxers, chow chows, French bulldogs, etc. are all just dogs. Dogs breeds, to the extent of what they are now, are quite new. Behavior/personality is not genetic so is impossible to pass down. All dogs are from a common ancestor, the wolf, so it is impossible to have such drastic mental differences be genetic related. Every “breed” has dogs from all spectrums of personality, behavior, and attitude. Every breed can have aggressive dogs, friendly dogs, scared dogs, etc. The way a dog looks does not determine how they will act. Dog breeds are just like race. They may have some physical characteristics that differ from one to another but each is their own person. Raising them to have good manners and ensuring they are properly socialized does help in ensuring they behave better just as it does with humans and any other animal species. Dog fighters kill many dogs before finding a dog who they can manipulate enough to kill. But even then once the dogs are rescued they can be therapy dogs, pets, and live normal lives. Vick’s former fighting dogs are a perfect example of this. The idea that one breed is “evil” is a myth people push around to try and not blame the real people at fault which are irresponsible owners. Collies, German Shepherds, rottweilers, doberman pincshers, and other dog breeds have all gone through the “they are evil” phase and now it has fallen onto American pitbull terriers and dogs who look similar. The entire breed equals “known temperament” is simply a ruse made up by breeders to help sell their puppies.

Sargent Stubby is a great example of why you can’t judge by the breed. And as someone who has worked with dogs for many years and has literally met and dealt with hundreds of dogs (and trained lots of dogs), I can assure you from my own experience of how it doesn’t matter how a dog looks for how they will behave. It’s all about their personality, the situation they are in, and how they were raised that will determine how they behave.

Spaying and neutering your pets also has the benefits of making your pets behave better, live longer, and less risk of developing ovarian/prostate cancers. While males can be neutered at any age and not risk developing cancer or harming their body, it is best to fix them at a young age, about 6-8 months, to ensure enough testosterone is in their bodies to finish growing, but not too much to cause behavior issues. Too much testosterone can lead to more aggression, marking, territorial issues, and refusing to obey. Females must be spayed before the first heat cycle (menstruation) to ensure that their bodies don’t go into any sort of panic. After the first heat cycle the estrogen level spike and to suddenly remove the uterus can cause the body to “freak out.” This can also lead to a higher risk of cancer. But spaying BEFORE reduces cancer risks and causes no negative effects to the body. A spayed dog and cat is also less aggressive since they aren’t grouchy during heat, nor are they having to protect their young during and after pregnancy. Most dog attacks are caused by unaltered males, pregnant bitches, or bitches with young puppies. This is why it is extremely irresponsible to have children and breeding pets around them for the risk of the child being attacked. Children can’t read a dog or cat’s body language so end up being harmed.

And if cost is a problem, there are many low cost spay and neuter programs. Contact your local SPCA, shelter, Humane Society, veterinarian, or rescue to find the nearest one. If even that is “too expensive,” then you probably don’t even have the finances for a pet and shouldn’t have one. For pets are very expensive, especially if any medical emergency emerges. Just like children, don’t get them if you can’t afford them.

Learning a dog’s body language is also very important for many children are bitten simply for not knowing if a dog is scared or not. Sadly, the dog usually ends up being killed for the mistake of others. Furthermore, dogs are less aggressive and have a easier time socializing when positive reinforcement training is used. Positive reinforcement training is when a dog is rewarded for good behavior rather than harmed for bad behavior. The same reason why you should NEVER hit a child also applies to any other animal. Harming any animal to “train” them has immense psychological effects, makes training difficult, doesn’t have lasting results, can worsen behavior, and event lead to aggression. Choke chains, prong (pinch) collars, shock collars, and other forms of hurting dogs add to this devastating consequence. To learn more on training dogs, look up dog trainer Victoria Stilwell.

Service animals, whether used for helping the blind, PTSD victims, etc. are not “slaves.” They enjoy helping their humans and aren’t working constantly. They play and enjoy life just as any other dog, simply they know better manners for in public and sometimes perform tasks to help their human. Service, therapy, and working dogs don’t need to come from breeders. In fact, rescue make better working dogs. From helping individuals with depression, sniffing out drugs, taking down bad guys, or helping a disabled child put on her socks, these dogs can come from a rescue and perform just as well, if not better, than dogs from breeders. It is actually easier to rescue an already adult dog and know their physical and mental makeup than a puppy who will later develop a possible spine issue or not be mentally suited for the job. It is also cheaper. Rescuing costs from $100-$500 on average while getting from breeders is double or more than that. Some breeders who sell to police price puppies for $5,000 or more each. Something up to $15,000. In the end, rescues can still perform the job, and you are saving a life by adopting. Just look at this example.

Service animals differ from working animals such as bomb sniffing dogs/rats, military/police dogs/horses, search dogs, etc. Therapy animals are similar to service animals, only they bring comfort to others rather than support/assist their human. Emotional support animals are regular pets who are to stay with you regardless where you live in order to assists with emotional stability/health.

It is also abusive and cruel to declaw cats for that cuts their toes in half and leaves them defenseless, as well as hurt them for the rest of their lives for they walk on their toes. Pets should always be kept indoors for their own safety, as well as the safety of others. Chaining dogs is cruel, and only does harm for them. Pets should NEVER be left in hot cars for they can suffer heat strokes even if it’s 70 degrees outside and the vehicle is in the shade. Cars can get over 100 degrees still. Cats can be easily walked on a leash and harness to enjoy the outside as well, just as dogs. It is also better to us harnesses on dogs for collars can damage the trachea as well as choke the dog. You also have more control of the dog using a harness. They are

You simply can’t love dogs or cats when you get them from breeders, breed them yourself, or treat them like they aren’t family. Don’t judge them for how they look, and don’t add on to the problem of pet overpopulation and the needless killing. This is a big topic so ask me questions if you need more info on something that the below links don’t help cover enough of. And remember, don’t breed or buy while shelter animals die. Opt to adopt.

All About Pitbulls:

All About Dog Training, Health, and Spay/Neuter:

Don’t Breed or Buy While Shelter Dogs Die:

Pedigree Dogs Exposed Blog:

Pedigree Dogs Exposed on Amazon:

 Pet Overpopulation (video): [link]

More on Pet Overpopulation (video): [link]

Pedigree Dogs Exposed: [link]  Part 2: [link]

Gas Chamber in Use (video): [link]

Where Pet Store Puppies Come From:

The Truth on ear cropping and Tail Docking:

Dogs Are Born With Ears and Tail and Should Keep Them:

Puppymill Rescue:

Truth Behind Shelters:

Amish and Puppymills (fb link): [link]

Breeder Selling Sick Puppy (fb link): [link]

US Government Hiding Puppymill cruelty:

Inside the Sickening World of Puppymills:

Inside a Kittenmill (video): [link]

Kittenmills are Real:

Puppymills and the Amish:

New Jersey Banning Selling of Puppymill Dogs:

Fire Kills Breeder’s Mill:

Buying Pets Online is Just as Bad as Buying from PetStore:

Unwanted Shelter Dogs:

Vet Spends Cold Night in Dog House:

English Bulldogs so Inbred They Can’t be Saved:

Extreme Dog Breeding:

German Shepherds Can’t Walk: [link]
Crufts and Deformed Dogs:

15 Year Old Dog Left at Shelter:

Why Breeding is Bad Even if Breeder is “Reputable:”

Hidden Suffering of Dogs Bred to be “Cute:”

Tibetan Mastiffs Abandoned in China:

The Reality of Sled Dogs:

Don’t Support Sled Dog Racing:

Stray Dogs Help Solve Murder:

Vet Urges People to Stop Buying Pugs and Bulldogs:

The Netherlands Now Have No Stray Dogs:

How Holland Got Rid of Their Strays:

Stop Buying and Breeding Pedigree Dogs:

Man Rescues Senior Animals: [link]

7 Reasons to Rescue Senior Pets: [link]

Dumping Pets: [link]

Crufts Allows Deformed Dog to Win:

India Rules to Fix Strays:

Shelter Dogs used as Ball Boys for Brazil Open:

Mass Poisoning of Stray Dogs:

Dogs Understand Everything We Say (fb video): [link]

Before and After Images of Rescue Pets (fb video): [link]

Soldier Stays to the End With His Dying Friend:

Cops Take Turns Shooting Harmless Dog:

Messed up Shelter Workers:

Dog Breeder Kills Puppies:

BC Targets Breeders to Protect Puppies and Kittens:

Veterinarian Talks About Pet Overpopulation:

Tail Docking Banned in Canada:

Declawing is Cruel:

SPCA on Declawing:

Declawing Harms Cats:

Declawing Hurts (video): [link]

Declawing is Good for Veternarians but Bad for Cats:

How to Sue Your veterinarian:

How to Get Your Cat to Not Scratch Furniture (video): [link]

Cat Peeing Problems:

Chronic Pain of Declawing:

More Links on Declawing: [link]

ASPCA on Declawing:

Do AKC Papers Matter:

Missouri Law Prevents Breed Banning:

When Idiots Breed Dogs:

Dog Shows are Dog Abuse:

10 Signs a Puppy is from a Puppymill:

Backyard Breeder Tries to Kill Dog:

Dog Breeder Regrets “Creation:”

Scam Breeders:

Adoption Lowers Kills in Shelters:

Dog Killed an Hour After Surrender:

A Dog’s Look Does NOT Define How They Behave:

Positive Training:

Victoria Stilwell on Fixing Your Pets:

Fixed Pets Live Longer:

Pets Living Longer When Fixed:

Benefits of Spaying/neutering:

Benefits of Fixing Pets:

Fixing Pets Help with Behavior:

The Abuse of Invisible Fences:

Pros and Cons of Invisible Fences:

Invisible Fences Not Good For Dogs:

Invisible Fences NOT Recommended:

Dangers of Invisible Fences:

Pitbull Fact and Fiction:

10 Reasons Pitbulls Rule:

Science on Dog Breeds:

Pitbull Attacked By Off Leash Dog:

Dear Pitbull Haters:

Patrick Stewart Gets Tough on Dog Fighting:

Pitbull Becomes Police Dog:

Police Pitbull Apollo (video): [link]

Dog Find Woman Who Gave Him Treats at Shelter:

Dog Killed an Hour After Being Left at Shelter:

People Line Up To Dump Pets Before July 4th:

AKC Likes Puppymills:

Pitbull Myths:

Why Rescue Dogs Make the Best Service Dogs:–1051416574.html

Homeless Dogs Get Second Chance as Service Dogs:

Training Service Dogs from Rescue Dogs:  Another One:

From Shelter to Service Dog:

Assistance Dogs:

Service Dog Saves Blind Human From Bus:

7 Ways Service Dogs Save Lives:

Service Dogs Save Lives:

Service Dogs Save Lives Again:

7 Ways Service Dogs Help Humans:

Diabetic Assistance Dog:

Seizure Alert Dogs:

Service Dogs Saving Lives:

Therapy Dog Put Down at Shelter:

Service Dogs Are NOT Slaves (video): [link]

Why NOT to Use Prong, Choke, or Shock Collars:

Veterinarian Explains why Prong Collars are Wrong:

Avoid Choke, Prong, and Shock Collars at ALL Costs:

Abuse of Prong Collars:

Abuse of Shock Collars:

More on Shock Collars:

Abuse of Shocking Dogs:

Don’t Tether Dogs:

Why Chaining is Cruel:

Before You Chain:

What to do if You See a Dog in a Hot Car:

Pets in Vehicles:

7 Reasons to Never Leave a Pet in a Hot Car:

Don’t Leave Dogs in Hot Cars:

Dogs Die in Hot Cars:

The AKC and Racism Are Similar:

Should Scottish Folds be Banned?:

Tail Docking:

Pet Overpopulation Awareness:

Killing Our Best Friends:

Gas Chamber:

Puppies Stuffed into Box:

Training Pitbulls for Police Work:

84 Great Danes Rescued From Mill:

6 Pitbulls Graduate to be Narcotic Dogs:

Quebec Wants to Ban Pitbulls (video):

Declawing Being Banned:

Media Driven Fear About Pit Bulls:

This puppy lost his police job for being too nice:

From Stray to Hero: A Search and Rescue Dog Story:

Pit Bulls Have Better Temperament:

Dog Cries When Left at Shelter:

Taken from another site:

“Please spay/neuter your pet. There is a serious pet overpopulation problem.
Between 3-6 million animals enter shelters each year. 56 percent of dogs and 71 percent of cats that enter animal shelters are euthanized. More cats are euthanized than dogs because they are more likely to enter a shelter without any owner identification.

spay.neuter.adopt. It stops the killing.

Every day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born in this country while only 10,000 people are born. It’s simple math – there just aren’t enough homes for all of these animals.

Purebreds account for 30% off all the animals in shelters. “Papers” don’t mean an animal should be bred.

For every home you find for an animal that you have bred, a home is lost for a shelter animal.

Every year over 6 million animals are euthanized in shelters for lack of available homes. If the number were “only” 7 million, that would mean 135,000 PER WEEK, or 20,000 pets euthanized EVERY 24 HOURS. 365 DAYS A YEAR!

I need to make something very clear, there is no such thing as a ‘good’ or ‘responsible’ breeder when 11,000,000 pets are executed in American Shelters every single year.

We want NO unwanted litters. Each year 6 to 8 million pets enter shelters, and an estimated 4 million must be put down – simply because they do not have a home. Always make spay/neuter priority #1 and always “Opt to Adopt.”

FACT: The cost of spaying and neutering a pet is less than the cost of raising puppies or kittens for one year.

FACT: 1 unaltered cat and her kittens can result in 420,000 kittens in 7 years.

FACT: 1 unaltered dog can produce 76,000 puppies in 7 years.

FACT: Approximately 800 pets per hour are killed in the US everyday.

SOLUTION: Spay and neuter

spay.neuter.adopt. it stops the killing. Education is key in helping stop the overpopulation of dogs and cats. If someone is in need to get their cat or dog spayed/neutered, help them find low cost spay/neuter clinics in their area, or offer to pay for part of the surgery. Give and you shall receive.

Myth #1 about spaying and neutering:

Spayed or neutered dogs and cats become overweight

Some dogs and cats metabolism decreases after spaying or neutering; although, if fed the appropriate amount of food and exercised properly, spayed or neutered dogs and cats are unlikely to become overweight.

Fixed pets live LONGER and HEALTHIER lives then unaltered pets. The chance of a fix pet getting cancer decreases DRAMATICALLY and the risk of a pet getting infections in their reproduction organ practically vanishes. Fixing your pet makes them so much healthier and less likely to get sick. It also makes them behave a lot better. Males that are not neutered are very aggressive and urinate on everything! Females also will have aggression and marking problems.
If you cannot pay to get your pet fixed then you certainly cannot pay for vet bills on regular check-ups and vaccines. If you can’t pay then do NOT get a pet.”

“Money will buy a pretty good dog, but it won’t buy the wag of his tail.”

Sergeant Stubby is the most decorated military dog in our nation’s history. Smuggled aboard a troop ship by a soldier in World War One, he was the mascot of troops in the trenches, captured an enemy infiltrator, and comforted wounded soldiers in hospitals.

I am a dog, not a THING
I am a living, breathing animal. I feel pain, joy, love, fear and pleasure. I am not a thing. If I am hit – I will bruise, I will bleed, I will break. I will feel pain. I am not a thing.
Do not mistake me for a mindless object. I can feel and I can think. I can experience more than physical pain, I can feel fear and joy. I can feel love and confusion. I have emotions. I understand perhaps more than you do. I am able to comprehend the words you speak to me, but you are not always able to understand me.
When you leave, I want to go with you. If I stay behind, I will eagerly await your return. I long for the sound of your voice. I will do most anything to please you. I live to be your treasured companion.
I am a dog. My actions are not dictated by money, greed, or hatred. I do not know prejudice. I live in the moment and am ruled by love and loyalty.
If you choose to tie me up and refuse to feed me, I will starve. If you abandon me on a rural road, I will experience fear and loneliness. I will search for you and wonder why I have been left behind.
I am not a piece of property to be dumped and forgotten.

From the moment I saw her face,
I knew that I was safe.
When she ran her hands across my bony spine,
She whispered you are mine.
My fur matted with dirt,
… and I still survived the hurt.
As she ran her hands along my body,
she softly cried.
I was covered in sores from head to toe,
I only had one place to go.
But then she gave me a name.
And right then I knew I would never be the same.
She baid my bail and saved me from hell.
She looked me in the eye,
And gave me the will not to die.
She took me to her home where I am no longer alone.
She gave me what others had not,
It’s something thats never bought.
And thats what I got.
Her love and devotion will never be forgot.
She gave me a peace of mind,
And she is very kind.
I am glad I was the one she bought,
For without her I would be lost.
She gave me something I’ve never known,
The love of a safe and secure home

2 year old child. Genuine reason…I’ve just got a new puppy so sadly no longer have the time for the child. Also very worried the child may bite the puppy. Child currently kept in a crate and is house trained. Needs home by tomorrow or it will be put to sleep. Thanks.

Why Pets are Good for us!

All pet lovers think that their pets are special and they are, but most of us do not realize how good our pets are for us.

Here are 10 ways our pets are good for us .

1. Pets are good for us. Research has shown that spending 15 to 30 minutes with your pet will lower your cortisol level and increase your serotonin level. This means your stress level will significantly decrease when you are interacting with your pet.

2. Pet owner have lower blood pressure and lower heart rates than those who do not own pets. Researchers have also noted lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in pet owners.

3. Pet owners have a lower risk of dying from cardiac disease including heart failure.

4. Taking care of a pet, walking it ,playing with it, feeding it, and petting it is a good remedy for depression. Petting a dog or cat has a calming effect and makes people feel better.

5. Dog owners have better fitness than non dog owners. In general, most dogs need to be walked 15 minutes twice daily and this walking is also good for their humans!

6. Researchers aren’t sure why but cat owners have fewer strokes than non cat owners.It is known that cats have a calming effect on people but caring for a cat can help to divert the owner from other worries.

7. Pets help us to interact with others. If you take your dog to a dog park you interact with other dog owners and this helps keep your mind healthy and engaged.

8. Children who grow up in a home with a dog or cat are less likely to develop allergies. The same is true for kids who live on a farm with large animals. In addition, they have stronger immune systems. Children who grow up with cats are less likely to develop asthma.

9. Kids who have ADHD benefit from taking care of and playing with a pet. Playing with a pet is one way for an ADHD child to release energy. Because pets love unconditionally, ADHD children develop self esteem from their pets.

10. Dogs, cats and horses are good therapists for all of us in this stressful world. Our pets love us unconditionally and never criticize us. They give us a better quality of life and help us cope.

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PetSmart Banned This Dog From A ‘Dog Party’ Because They Believe ‘Pit Bulls Are Bully Breeds’

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She Was Filmed Appearing To Suffocate Her Dog With A Plastic Bag, The Hunt Is On For Her!

Why you shouldn’t get pit bulls

Carla Lynch

Ear Cropping: Never Make Your Puppy Endure This Cruel Procedure

Inside the 4 Paws hellhole where cats and dogs cower in filth

Proposed bill seeks to put puppy mills out of business in Pennsylvania

Novi Petland sued for allegedly selling diseased and sick puppies

‘1 declaw is 1 too many’: Nova Scotia cat declawing ban takes effect today | CBC News

Mutilated dogs found dead at side of road were ‘victims of fighting ring’

Trump Blocks Access To Puppy Mill Inspections – The Intellectualist

Nurse Saves 5 Week Old Blind Puppy From Being Euthanized

USDA: Ban Shock Collars

Daily reason to smile: these dogs who got a second chance //

‘Puppy Mills’ Targeted by One State, Activists Seek Others

Dogs Saved From Fighting Ring Just Want To Be Loved

L’indifferenza uccide più del gelo

PriceSmart Animal Cruelty

A Peaceful Planet

Emotional video… Warning…

Dogs Rescued From Fighting Have Real Families Now

Dog chained to a tree gets new life

Vietnam: Rescued Cat Meat Cats

Government Of Island Injects Dogs With Cleaning Products And Drugs Because They Annoy Tourists

Charge Pet Owners Abandoning Animals

Discarded greyhounds are being kept in this outdoor shed just so their BLOOD can be sold. This needs to stop NOW.

Puppy Used In Dog Fighting Finds A Real Home

Ga Maleven