Super Meat Can End Animal Suffering

Ga Maleven

Humans don’t need to eat meat. It causes so many illnesses from cancer to cardiovascular disease. It clogs the bowels, leads to earlier deaths in humans, and many other diseases. It causes over 82,000,000,000 lives to be taken every year, 51% of all pollution, deforestation, mass animal extinction, world hunger, and billions and billions of dollars. Humans don’t need it, and the practice of obtaining it is to rape, imprison, torture, abuse, and horribly kill animals. Cutting them apart and skinning them while still alive, sometime even boiling them alive. Slaughterhouse workers stomp on the animals, beat them, rape them, and treat them like garbage. 95% of those who harm non-human animals, so many of these factory farm and slaughterhouse workers end up harming their own family members and friends. Communities nearby slaughterhouses and factory farms are ill from the pollution seeping into the ground and rivers.

There is NO good to eating meat.

The world is going vegan, as we can see with more and more rights being won for the animals. Cities in India and Italy are banning meat, the Dutch and Chinese governments have put a limit on how much people can buy of it, and the UN is even placing a large tax on meat to get people to stop paying for it. Laws are being made to ban puppy/kitten mills, stopping animal testing, and shutting down zoos and aquariums. As more and more people go vegan, the world is looking a little brighter. And with celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, James Cameron, Peter Dinklage, Natalie Portman, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Lewis Hamilton, Venus Williams, Torre Washington, Toby Maguire, Woody Harrison, Elliot (Ellen) Page, Christain Bale, Benedict Cumberbatch, Joaquin Phoenix, David Carter, and many other celebrities and athletes educate and show how you can accomplish much when being vegan, the world continues to change. And with documentaries such as Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives, Earthlings, Black Fish, The Cove, Dominion, What the Health, Peaceable Kingdom, Blood Lions, Pedigree Dogs Exposed, etc. highlight the abuse innocent animals suffer, more and more continue to make the compassionate, and healthy, switch to veganism.

Sadly, the world isn’t going vegan quickly enough to save itself. And with older generations who refuse to accept more modern ideologies hold back the younger generation from effectively changing the world for the better, it slows progress down significantly.

Going vegan is easier now than ever. You can eat ANYTHING vegan, from pizzas, icecream, cookies, brownies, etc. And there are so many cruelty free products that have not been tested on animals, not made from animals flesh, or filled with some form of meat, diary, honey, or eggs. And everyday the list of vegan options grows. There are so many vegan restaurants, grocery stores, companies, and everything you could ever dream of. And it shall continue to grow.

Now, until the world is vegan and weaned off the dead flesh of rotting corpses, there is even more hope for the animals to be saved from exploitation. It’s called, SuperMeat.

SuperMeat is not like the vegan burger that bleeds (but it is healthier since it’s plant based). SuperMeat is lab grown meat with NO animals involved. No rape, no gestation crates, no beatings, no cutting of throats to bleed to death.

Wanna learn more? Watch the videos below and support it. It might not end the ridiculous amount of cancer humans get from eating dead flesh, but it can end non-human animals suffering by the billions.

Lab Grown Meat Will Save a Lot More Than Just Animals:

Life According to Ohad about Super Meat:

Hampton Creek Launches Clean Meat: [link]

Technology Fueling a Future Without Animals:

Hampton Creek Meat Labs:

Clean Meat will Make Livestock Obsolete:

Meat That NO Animal Died For: [link]

Ga Maleven