The Harsh Reality of Zoos, Circuses, and Aquariums
Ga Maleven
Zoos, aquariums, and circuses have been places of entertainment for humans for many years, but the reality of these places is anything but fun and happy. While these industries try to push the idea that the animals in their care are “happy” and “healthy,” the complete opposite is true. Locked in small cages, no mental stimuli, and horrible beatings are routine in these places. And the cruelty leads to painful deaths for the animals as well as the humans who work there.
Zoos have be around since 1826 when Paris opened the first public one. While collections of various species have existed for thousands of years, owned by monarchs across the globe to show their power, the first zoo in Paris sought to keep animals in enclosures for studying. As more and more zoos were created their purpose remained the same: To bring in crowds for money and to keep animals locked away to study. But there are numerous problems with this concept.
While trying to keep animals to study may be useful in some regards, taking an animal out of their natural habitat and keeping them in an enclosed space deprives them of their normal lives. Animals in the wild act differently in many ways than the animals in zoos. Wild animals must hunt/search for food, be on the lookout for threats, seek mates, and live the intended life for their species. In zoos they do not have much room, being crowded in enclosures to try and fit as many species into one place as possible to attract tourists. This lack of space creates little room to roam, exercise, and be free. Animals, such as elephants, walk an average of 40 miles a day but most zoos keep them in 1-2 acre sized enclosures. This causes severe feet and leg problems in these animals that can lead to early deaths.
The lack of stimuli and natural habitat also plays a role in slowly killing the animals. With nothing to do, the animals go insane, showing such signs with constant swaying of heads, pacing, repeated actions, attacking visitors through glass, attacking keepers, self inflicted injuries from biting, scratching, and head slamming, killing their young/friends, and staring for hours at nothing. The unnatural habitat causes more suffering to animals such as hot desert animals being forced to live in climates where it snows, and cold climate animals now in 80 degree heat. Elephants, rhinos, and other warm climate animals are often locked away in barns for up to 8 months every year just because it is too cold for them to go outside. Polar bears, seals, penguins, and other cold climate animals suffer from heat strokes and warm temperature in these new climates. A penguin can die of heat stroke when it is only 60 degrees (F) due to their feathers being able to insulate them so well. Polar bears suffer similar fates.
While the unnatural setting drive them insane and make them physically uncomfortable, abuse is often rampant. Zoo keepers have been caught beating, starving, and sometimes even sexually abusing animals. Beatings often occur when zoos train their animals to perform unnatural tricks in hopes of garnering a larger crowd. Many of these training techniques are identical to how circuses train their animals, as discussed below.
While some zoos may have some programs that work in conservation or rehabilitation, the majority of zoos do not and aim only for profit. Most species in zoos are not endangered, and the breeding programs are not meant for releasing animals into the wild. Zoos ignore genetics, instead artificially inseminating or forcing two animals to mate to produce offspring to draw in crowds. Many of the babies die shortly after birth or are stillborns. Their genetics and how they are raised does not make them fit to be released into the wild, having to not be inbred and taught to survive in the wild. One case of severe inbreeding in zoos is the case of the white tiger. White tigers are the result of inbreeding that zoos have done in order to draw in tourists. While the animals in captivity continue to be bred amongst themselves with only a few new additions from the wild (and often very rarely), the genetic diversity of these zoo animals and other captive exotic pets continue to dwindle, making them not only incapable of being released into the wild but also very sickly.
Zoos will breed so many animals to bring in visitors that surplus of animals is frequent. Rather than send these extra animals to other zoos or sanctuaries, they are instead killed. Some are euthanized, while others are slaughtered and fed to lions or other predator animals. Many more animals die of diseases, genetic illnesses, accidents, and even visitors or keepers beating them to death.
The state of these animals’ lives is so stressful that mothers will often harm or kill their babies. Postpartum depression occurs in non-human animals as well, and some mothers have been seen killing their babies and themselves to escape torture.
Zoos once even held humans in order to make money. Zoos have always been about profit and research and conservation has been the last thing on their mind. Sanctuaries provide actual help to wild animals by giving them very large enclosures, do not breed them, and only take in animals who need help, not steal from the wild. While there are same places that take on the name of “sanctuary” but are really zoos in disguise, there is a way to determine the real from the fake. More tips here as well.
Aquariums and marine parks also hold their own dark secrets. Just like zoos, animals are kept in enclosures much too small, lack mental stimuli, go insane, are forced to breed, and suffer physical abuse. While more animals in aquariums are captured from the wild than the ones in zoos, the health issues are still very high.
Dolphins are bought by aquariums after dolphin hunts have taken place. The most notorious of these dolphins hunts take place in Taiji, Japan. Dolphins are forced to shore where nets round them into smaller and smaller spaces. They are harpooned, dragged ashore and stabbed, and left to die on the beach. The water becomes red, and young and old are butchered. Entire pods are destroyed in a single day. While most of the dolphins are killed and their flesh sold to be eaten (which harms humans’ health), the good looking dolphins are kept in pens and sold off to aquariums and circuses.
Orcas are rounded up and caught as well, being taken to aquariums to be used in shows. While some injured animals do find their way to places like SeaWorld, most of the time they are taken in healthy, and even the sick ones who do get better are rarely ever released back into the wild.
Orcas are dolphins, and just like their smaller cousins they must swim long distances daily, are very intelligent, and are social animals. The lack of small and stimuli drives them insane, causing them to slam their heads, bite each other, scrape themselves against the walls of their pen, and float listlissly. Orcas and the other cetaceans are starved to ensure they perform tricks for food, and even then are not fed properly. Cetaceans at aquariums are often underweight, and if they do not perform a trick right are simply not fed. The lack of receiving meals causes them to often bite each other.
Dolphins are known to be rapists of the ocean, raping each other, killing the young, and raping a female again. They have also been seen raping porpoises, sea turtles, sharks, and even humans. Male dolphins enjoy penetrating each others blowholes with their penises, while females like to use each others bills as dildos in the vagina. This libido makes dolphin attacks at the infamous “swim with dolphins” all too common. Bottle nosed dolphins who can get up to 1,400 pounds will pin down tourists and hump them, or bite them and yank them down. Dolphin teeth can cut through flesh, and their jaws are rather strong. Frustration, boredom, stress, and abuse can make the attacks more frequent and severe.
Orcas may not as be as sexually frustrated as dolphins, but they often attack trainers, even killing them. Tilikum was the largest orca to ever be in captivity, having been at SeaWorld for over 30 years. In his captive life Tilikum killed three people. Other orcas have killed or seriously injured trainers, and despite the very real danger Seaworld continues to do the orca shows and force workers into the waters with these animals. While there has never been a documented case of an orca attacking a human in the wild, in captivity it is all too common. The loud music played during performances also harm orcas due to their echolocation.
Orcas in captivity are also forced to breed, making the already sick and stressed animals even more so. The babies often die very young. And while orcas in the while can live to be over 100 years old, in captivity they rarely make it over 10.
The other animals kept at aquariums, whether land or water, don’t tend to do well either. Land animals suffer the same fate as other zoo animals, and sharks and other large fish don’t adapt well to captive life as smaller fish do. Sea turtles, birds, and other animals also suffer from lack of space, abuse, and stimuli.
Circuses are the worst of the lot, even how hard it is to beat the negligence and suffering of zoos and aquariums. Circuses that use animals keep the animals locked away in tiny cages, only taking them out for training and to perform. They are given no toys, attention, nothing. Their mental stability is even worse of that of the other animals kept in captivity. Even domesticated animals used in these shows, such as dogs, horses, goats, llamas, and birds are horribly mistreated.
Training is simply to beat the animals with whips, sticks, bullhooks, chains, fists, and rocks until they perform as desired. They are not fed properly, are so scared they urinate and vomit on themselves, and live their entire lives in fear. They are bred, so stressed and mentally going mad that mothers often kick and harm their young. The babies are beaten and broken early on so they are easier to force to perform tricks.
Animals who finally break and can’t take the horrific abuse any longer often attack the trainers or flee into the streets. In some cases they are shot until dead, or are struck by vehicles. Jumbo was the first elephant to be used in a circus, and sadly was far from the last. As more and more animals, especially wild ones, were captured and bred, the incidents of them dying and killing humans increased. One of the most horrific incidents was the hanging of Mary the Elephant. Another incident is of Tyke who was brutally gunned by police when she couldn’t take anymore.
Some circuses use dolphins, traveling with them and abusing them similar to how aquariums do to train, only also forcing them to live in even smaller tanks, jump through fiery hoops, and be moved to new locations constantly.
Zoos, aquariums, and circuses are beyond barbaric and no longer part of a modern world. They abuse, neglect, and only bring suffering to the animals in their care. Even the workers suffer. They do not need your money, and the animals need our help to get out of those places and somewhere better. I included links below to two great documentaries that focus on aquariums, “Blackfish” and “The Cove.” I did not embed every video into this journal for the reason of the severe graphic nature and to save space. (Watch Blackfish here: [link]) (Watch The Cove here: [link])
The Problem With Zoos:
Zoos No Longer Serve Their Purpose:
Zoos Drive Animals Crazy:
Killing Animals At the Zoo:
More on Zoos:
Should We Close Our Zoos?
Zoos Are Prisons:
Elephant Starving Because Zoo Can’t Afford to Feed Her:
Giraffe Dies After Accident at NC Zoo:
Internet Famous Giraffe Dies at Zoo:
Egyptian Zoos:–hell-holes-for-animals.html
Zoos Are Lying to You (video): [link]
Animals Are Starving in This War-Torn Zoo:
Zookeeper Abusing Young Elephants:
Elephant so Lonely She Holds Her Own Tail:
Zoo Confinement Gives Elephants Problem Feet:
Elephant Captivity Realities:
Zoo Staff Beating Elephants:
Bronx Zoo’s Loneliest Elephant:
Rhino Shot by Poachers in Zoo:
Zoos Forced to Dehorn Rhinos:
Police Visit Zoo to Protect Rhinos:
Black Man in Zoo Ended His Life:
Flamingo Killed by Boys at Zoo:
Bridge Zoo Hides Horrors (video): [link]
Elephant Has Lived Alone for 40 Years:
Elephant Kills Trainer at Japanese Zoo:
Baby Polar Bear Dies in Zoo:
The Abuse of Roadside Zoos:
Knoxville Zoo Loses 33 Reptiles:
Zoo Beheads Zebra and Feeds to Lions:
Judge Declares Chimp Sentient and Frees From Zoo: and
Wild Elephants Sold to Chinese Zoo:
Ivanka Trump Visits Zoos and it Backfires:
Escaped Bear Shot at Zoo:
Zoo Elephants Save Drowning Baby:
If We Really Love Animals We Should Shut Down Zoos:
Zoo of Death (video): [link]
Bear and Lion Rescued From Zoo (video): [link]
Child Upset About Zoo (video): [link]
Captivity in 60 Seconds (video): [link]
Chimp Begs for Drink (video): [link]
Elephant Stolen from Wild: [link]
El Salvador Zoo in Hot Water Over False Hippo Death account:
Inspectors Find Suffering and Unnecessary Deaths at South Lakes safari Zoo:
Bear Was So Lonely in Zoo She Lost All Her Fur:
World’s Coldest Elephant:
500 Animals Die at Single Zoo: and
Chinese Zoos Feeds Live Animals to Lions: [link]
Crocodile Stoned to Death at Zoo:
Japanese Zoo Kills 57 Snow Monkeys:
Oregon Zoo Kills Elephant Packy:
Starving Animals at Mosul Zoo:
Suffering of European Zoo Animals:
Zoo Animals Left to Die Without Food or Water:
Photographer Shows What Zoos Are Really Like:
What Life in Zoos is Really Like for Elephants:
Polar Bears in Captivity:
Reality of Zoos:
Mother Polar Bear Hugging Baby:
Are Zoos Bad:
10 Reasons to Skip Your Next Zoo Visit:
Live Donkey Fed to Tigers: and
Tigers Fed Live Donkey:
Baby Elephants Abused at Zoo: [link]
Giraffe Dies at Zoo:
Zoos in Europe Kill 5,000 Healthy Animals:
Fight at Zoo (video): [link]
Bolivia Zoo: [link]
Tiger Saved From Roadside Zoo: [link]
Why Not to Pet Baby Tigers: [link]
Zoos Use Bullhooks: [link]
Zoo Abuse: [link]
Captive Dolphins and Whales:
The Cove:
Marine Land Abuse:
10 Things You Didn’t Know About SeaWorld:
8 Reasons Orcas Don’t Belong in Captivity:
Ex-SeaWorld Employee Gives Details About Orca Abuse:
Former Trainer Slams SeaWorld for Abuse:
Why Killer Whales Belong in the Ocean, Not Captivity:
SeaWorld Refuses to End Show:
SeaWorld’s Impact on Research:
Aquariums and MarineParks:
SeaWorld Trying to Make us Forget Blackfish:
Octopus Escapes Aquarium:
China Opens Orca Breeding Program:
Dolphin Hunts Are Where aquariums Acquire Dolphins:
Winter the Dolphin’s Real Life:
Winter’s Real Life:
Baby Dolphin in Captivity:
France Bans Captive Breeding of Dolphins:
Lolita’s Tank Too Small:
Park Board Votes to Ban Cetacean Captivity at Vancouver Aquarium:
Tilikum is Dying:
Tilikum’s Death:
Tilikum’s Death and Life:
Orcas Who Have Died at SeaWorld:
SeaWorld of Hurt:
14 Awful Events That Happened at SeaWorld:
Death at SeaWorld:
Orca Trying to Escape Attack:
Orca Beaches Herself at SeaWorld: [link]
Former SeaWorld Worker Exposes the Cruelty (video): [link]
True Story of SeaWorld (video): [link]
Dark History of Captured Orcas (video): [link]
Shamu Show Incident Nov. 15, 2006 (video): [link]
Tilikum Kills Trainer 2010 (video): [link] and [link]
Killer Whale Attack at SeaWorld (video): [link]
Orca Attack (video): [link]
Orca Attack: [link]
SeaWorld Isn’t Changing (video): [link]
Swimming With Dolphins:
Baby Dolphin Taken From Mother: [link]
The Truth About Swimming With Dolphins (video): [link]
Polar Bear Dies at SeaWorld:
Orca Lifespan:
Orca Lifespan in Captivity:
Captive Orcas:
Clash Over Captive Orcas Lifespan:
BBC on Captive Orcas:
8 Reasons Orcas Don’t Belong in captivity:
Captive Verses Wild Life for Orcas:
SeaWorld Fails About Orca Life Expectancy:
Study Shows Captive Orcas Don’t Live as Long:
SeaWorld Tries to Claim Their Orcas Live Longer:
Captive Orcas Die Much Younger:
James Cromwell Arrested for Protesting SeaWorld:
James Cromwell Protests SeaWorld: [link]
Orca is Beached: [link]
Don’t Visit Marine Parks: [link]
Circus Bear Urinates on self in fear:
Ringling Bros Closes After 146 Years of Abuse:
Los Angeles to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses:
Circus Tigers Brave Beating to Check on Friend: and
Bears Abandoned by Circus:
Dancing Bears:
10 Reasons not to Attend the Circus:
Enjoy the Circus? Animals Don’t:
Ringling Bros Beats Animals:
Circus Myths:
5 Reasons Circuses Need to be Banned:
Help End Circuses:
What’s wrong with Circuses:
Reality of Circuses:
Cruelty to Circus Animals is Not Entertainment:
Circuses Are Not Fun for Animals:
New York City Bans Animal Circuses:
Circus Abuse (video): [link]
Chinese Circus Abuse (video): [link]
When Not Touring (video): [link]
Circus Abuse in India (video): [link]
Abuse of Circus Elephants (video): [link]
Training Baby Elephants (video): [link]
Animals Rescued From Captivity (video): [link]
Nosey: [link]
Ringling Bros. Selling Tigers:
Tigers in Circus (video): [link]
Bear Abuse: [link]
Elephant Abuse (video): [link]
Big Cats Saved From Circus (video): [link]
Wild Animal Sanctuary (video): [link]
Tiger Taming: [link]
The Circus: Modern Day Slavery
When most people hear the word circus, they think of popcorn, candy, “wild” animals and fun. However, behind the glitter and the glitz of the circus lies a cruel world of animal suffering. The animals are unwilling participants in a show that jeopardizes their health, their mental well-being and their lives.
Circuses force animals to perform acts that have nothing to do with how these magnificent creatures behave in the wild. These unnatural acts range from a tiger jumping through a flaming hoop to bears riding bicycles. Animals are sometimes injured while performing; tigers have been burned jumping through a flaming hoop. Training animals to perform unnatural acts requires whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods and other tools. Anytime you see elephants, you will notice that circus employees nearby always hold an ankus (a wooden stick with a sharp, pointed hook at the end) to discourage undesired behavior. The ankus is embedded into the most sensitive areas of an elephant, such as around the feet, behind the ears, under the chin, inside the mouth and other locations around the face, and is sometimes used to smash animals across the face.
Lives of constant confinement and frustration of natural instincts force animals into a state of neurosis. Elephants constantly sway back and forth in their chains and the tigers constantly pace in their cages. These repetitive behaviors are symptoms of deep psychological distress. Elephants in the wild walk many miles a day and travel in groups. In the circus, these animals are chained by two legs, unable to take one step forward, except when performing. It is well known that elephants have a close family unit. However, in the circus these families are usually torn apart.
Animals in circuses do not provide a realistic educational tool for children because the animals are forced to perform tricks that are not normal to them. Children are seeing broken-spirited animals reacting to a stressful and unnatural environment.
Please don’t attend animal circuses!
There are circuses that are fun, and exciting with no animal abuse. Cirque du Soleil, The New Pickle Family Circus, Circus Smirkus, Cirque Eloize, Circus Oz and the Mexican National Circus are all wonderful circuses that offer family entertainment full of excitement and suspense, with no animal suffering.
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Zoochosis: What Really Happens to Animals in Captivity (VIDEO)
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Baby Orangutan Chained Up At Zoo Is So Desperate For Help
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Fusion’s environmental vertical.
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Orca Stolen From Wild Gets Beached Outside Her Tiny Tank
2017 Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants in North America
No bear should be forced into a lifetime of painful tricks like this.
Why Animal Cruelty Is Bad Business
Ga Maleven