Resources for Activists

Activist ideas, carnism debunked, vegan sidekick answers, vegan Q&A, , copy and paste replies, don’t waste time on bullies, it’s not how you talk that’s the issue (gaslighting), find local activists around you, add in FB groups, educate yourself on everything, if they don’t care about animals educate them about other issues they may care about such as health and saving the planet or religion,

Becoming an Online Activist:

Animal Activist Mentorship:

Learn to Protest:

Everyday Activism:

Student Activism:

Get supplies at Peta literature, Last Chance for Animals, Christianveg, Vegan Outreach, A Well fed world,


~ Make vegan “business cards” to hand out to anyone you talk to about veganism. Have listed on the cards documentaries, youtube videos, and websites to visit and suggest they start off with “Earthlings,” which they can easily find on Youtube. (pictured are my own cards I made at vistaprint)

~ Write down websites and documentaries to watch on all paper currency. It is legal to write on money so long as it’s not selling a product nor is political. Since veganism is about peace and the documentaries and websites for veganism are educational, it’s legal. (Pictured is what I write on my bills)

~ Leave stickers everywhere in stores and random places. Vegan educational stickers can be purchased in bulk from Etsy. Here is one Etsy shop that makes vegan stickers:

~ Use chalk and at night write facts on how animals are killed, how animal agriculture is destroying the planet, how bad animal products are for our health, and websites/documentaries to visit to learn more, and leave these chalk messages outside of stores, liquor stores, coffee shops, churches, and other places where a lot of people go. Do this at night to avoid potential assault from mean people.

~ Write on Wikipedia. Humans are natural herbivores so change the Wiki pages for humans, omnivores, and herbivores to have the correct information and proper sources. Also adjust the wiki pages for meat, dairy, eggs, honey, etc. to have the right into, images, and sources. Since anyone can change Wikipedia pages, check daily to copy&paste what you had previously written.

~ Put stickers on your car to tell people to watch specific vegan documentaries, websites to visit, even images of animal abuse/slaughter with text to inform about the cruelty.

~ Hang up flyers everywhere showing graphic animal abuse/slaughter and information about the cruelty with documentaries and websites to look at. Have the pull off tabs to allow people to easily take information home.

~ Cover your dog’s harness/vest with vegan messages. Everyone wants to pet a dog, have them come face to face with the truth when petting your puppy. Vegan badges are easily found on Etsy.

~Get a vegan tattoo in an easy to see spot, such as your wrist, to help bring up the conversation of veganism. Also, wear vegan clothing often that has facts on it.

~ Share images, videos, articles, etc. on your social media. It doesn’t have to be a 100 posts a day, but enough that people will see them regularly. Even tag people in posts so that their friends will see.

~ Write letters to politicians, celebrities, TV talk show hosts, etc. The people in power and those with influence can reach a far larger audience and help make laws to help animals. Example: Steve Harvey has gone plant-based due to his daughter educating him about veganism, and now he feels so great he talks about plant-based living a lot on his TV show, reaching thousands of people who watch his show.

~ Find ways of sneaking veganism into any conversation in a way that feels natural so the other person doesn’t jump to aggression. Make it feel as normal and natural as it should feel to everyone. And use key words such as, “It’s so easy!” “You can eat anything vegan!” “It’s better for you, the planet, and of course the animals!” (say for them first so they think about how it helps them. Play with their selfishness), “Just check this documentary/website out and then let me know your thoughts,” etc. Make them feel like they are in control and this is a worthy use of their time. Carnists are selfish until they learn to care for others. Play on that.

~ Most importantly: EDUCATE YOURSELF. Learn facts, sources, etc. on all aspects of animal cruelty, human health, how animal agriculture harms the planet, etc. so no matter what anyone says to you or asks you, you immediately have an answer to it. And you can show them the evidence. Know websites, articles, studies, books, documentaries, etc. to always refer them to and bring up to help prove your case. NEVER cuss out and insult. You are the compassionate vegan who knows better. SHOW everyone why you aren’t the bad person, but the animal abusers are.

~ Comment on social media posts and leave graphic images, links to documentaries, informative articles, etc. all over. And backup other vegans. When a lot of vegans are showing support and commenting on something it shows that this is a serious movement with facts and science. It’s not just a random, crazy person commenting all alone. Show that it’s the norm and millions follow this lifestyle and are well educated about it.

~ Talk to EVERYONE about it. Strangers, kids, students, family, friends, etc. If one person is cruel towards you, find someone else to educate. Once everyone who is kind and compassionate goes vegan, the cruel people will no longer have a choice but to change once stores are no longer selling animal products! And some people may take a couple of years to get them to go vegan. Just never give up on anyone!

~ Copy and paste responses. It can be tiring writing out the same answer a thousand times a day. Write your own responses and keep them saved on a document on your computer or Google drive. And copy&paste them with links as needed. You also can find vegan Q&A on vegan websites to copy and paste, such as the one here:

Write your own papers and share online. Make sure to ALWAYS have sources listed!

Those are my tips and advice on vegan activism. Spread it!

Halloween is a great opportunity for vegans to spread the word of veganism. You can have a sign on your front porch that says “Watch Dominion” with the website, and all those who visit will read it. Or, take it a step further.

As you hand out vegan candy, or whatever goodies you usually give out, also drop a card into the children’s bags. On this card have it say something such as, “Would you let your child smoke a cigarette? No, because that can kill! But did you know some of the food you feed your child is just as deadly?”

Proceed to explain how meat, dairy, and eggs harm the human body, and list off the websites, doctors, and documentaries that should be viewed to learn more.

Example here:


“Would you let your child smoke a cigarette? No, because that can kill! But did you know some of the food you feed your child is just as deadly?

Processed meat is a Carcinogen 1A, which means it will ALWAYS cause cancer. Unprocessed meat and dairy is a carcinogen 1B. Which means it’s only a tiny bit less likely to cause cancer. The cancers linked to meat, dairy, and eggs include: prostate, ovarian, breast, colon, pancreatic, liver, stomach, and intestinal cancers. These products also have a higher risk of causing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, eczema, severe acme, skin rashes, obesity, Crohn’s disease, inflammation, constipation, etc.

To learn more about the science behind this and alternatives to feed your child, check out these wonderful doctors and scientists, and see their research on their websites listed below.

Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. T Colin Campbell, Dr. Milton Mills, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Kim Williams, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Brooke Goldner, Dr. Joel Kahn, Dr. Pamela Popper, Dr. Garth Davis, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Robert Osfeld, Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, and many others.

Searching their names on Youtube yields lectures they have given throughout the country, as well as interviews where you can learn much from.

And give these informative documentaries a try. They can be found on Netflix, iTunes, Youtube, and other streaming services. As well as a few on their respected websites.

“Cowspiracy” • “Forks Over Knives” • “What the Health” • “Eating You Alive” • “Dominion” • “Earthlings” • “The Game Changers” • “Peaceable Kingdom” • “Blackfish” • “Vegan: Everyday Stories” • “Food Choices” • “Dairy is Scary”

And many other wonderful, educational documentaries and videos.

Have a wonderful day!”


This message can easily be printed out, many copies made, and distributed. You can edit the script, add more websites or documentaries, and even put on colorful postcard.

Planning a protest and having trouble figuring out what to chant? Check out our list of animal rights chants below and tweak them as needed for your specific event. 

C stands for call. That’s the phrase that indicates to the group that you’ll be starting a chant. R stands for response. The resulting phrase that the group will chant after hearing the call. 

C: Animal liberation. 

R: In one generation.

C: Animal rights. 

R: Not wrongs!

C: Being cruel isn’t cool. 

R:Stop [hurting/abusing/shooting/etc.] animals!

C: Don’t act blindly

R: Treat Animals kindly.

C: Don’t be a loser.

R: Stop the abusers.

C: Don’t be mean. 

R: Food should never scream.

C: Don’t breed or buy

R: While shelter [dogs/cats/etc.] die.

C: Don’t buy the humane lie. 

R: Animals don’t want to die.

C: Don’t choose to abuse. 

R: Being cruel isn’t cool.

C: Empty the [cages/tanks/etc.]. 

R: Set them free!

C: Enough is enough. 

R: Close down [the store]! 

C: [Montgomery County]. 

R: You can do more!

C: Fur trade. 

R: Death trade.

C: Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho. 

R: [Company] has got to go!

C: Humane meat is a lie! 

R: How many animals have to die?

C: It’s not food. 

R: It’s violence.

C: It’s time. To fight. 

R: For animal rights!

C: No compassion. 

R: No peace.

C: Not your mom. 

R: Not your milk!

C: One struggle, one fight. 

R: Human freedom, animal rights.

C: Shame, shame, shame on you! 

R: Shame on you for what you do. 

C: Stop the neglect.

R: It’s time to protect.

C: Their bodies. 

R: Not ours. 

C: Their lives. 

R: Not ours. 

C: Their fur. 

R: Not ours.

C: There’s no better option. 

R: Choose adoption.

C: There’s no excuse. 

R: For animal abuse. 

C: There’s never an excuse. 

R: For animal abuse.

C: You are what you eat. 

R: Don’t be dead meat.

C: [Breeding animals/selling puppies/etc.] is inhumane. 

R: The [city of Rockville] shares the/is to blame.

C: [Company]. 

R: Shut it down!

C: Animals crying hear their plight.

R: This is why we fight!

(Name of place) has death on their hands

(Name of place) has death on their hands

Greed, Profit, Torture, Pain

(Name of place) is to blame

Snapped necks, broken backs

Horses die on racing tracks

Shattered limbs and heart attacks

Horses die on racing tracks

End all animal oppression

End all animal oppression

Too Slow

Death row

Sold for cheap

Killed for meat

Rise up, take a stand

Horse racing should be banned

Drugged, whipped, and raced in fear

2,000 horses killed each year

Their suffering (Their fear, Their pain, their deaths)

Your fault

There’s no excuse

for animal abuse

There will be no rest

For the animal abusers

You bet (You Watch, you pay, you cheer)

They die

(Name of place)

shut it down

Horseracing (or whatever it is)

Shut it down

shame, shame shame on you

Shame on you for what you do

Release the bulls in sanctuaries

Not stadiums

Their lives (their bodies, their backs)

Not ours

Do not pay for their captivity

(bulls or other animals) do not go in willfully)

Tortured to buck

Rodeos don’t give a fuck (or “rodeos suck”)